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HCA 3/46 f.47r Annotate
First transcribed 3 May 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 47  +
Parent volume HCA 3/46  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 03/05/2015  +
Transcription Harris against Tooker}<br /> ffranckHarris against Tooker}<br /> ffrancklin Budd} Which day the said Bud produced for<br /> sureties henry Robinson of the parishe<br /> of Bartholomewe the Exchange London<br /> Esquire and William Carey of the parishe of<br /> Saint Peters Ch[?XXXX] London Goldsmith<br /> [?When] submittinge themselves et cetera obliged<br /> themselves et cetera for the said John Tooker in the<br /> summe of Twoe hundred pounds of lawfull<br /> money of England to the said harris to answere<br /> such thinges as shalbe [?XXXXXted] against them at<br /> the promotion of the said Tooker, and to pay what he<br /> shalbe condemned in with expences of suite in case<br /> he shalbe overthrowen, and to bringe forth the said<br /> parties in Judgement And unles et cetera Aldersie against ffernandez}<br /> Suckley, Smith} Which day the said Smith exhibited the<br /> mandate of this Court against the said<br /> Aldersie with the Certificate thereon<br /> indorsed And thereupon appeared personally<br /> the said Aldersie to whome the said Smith<br /> desired the Court would prefix and assigne a<br /> certaine tyme to prove the Information by him<br /> given in this Court against the said ffernandez<br /> the said Aldersie desiringe the personall answeres of<br /> the said ffernandez to the said information whereupon<br /> the Judges did decree the said ffernandez to be<br /> monished to appeare the third day after if et cetera to<br /> answere unto the said information and at the<br /> petition of Smith assigned the said Aldersie to<br /> prove his said information within six weekes./ Thomas hodges and Company against}<br /> one 8th and one 32th part}<br /> or whatsoever other part of the}<br /> shipp called the ''William and Thomas''}<br /> and the freight due for the same}<br /> lately belonginge to John Jefferson}<br /> deceased and against Sarah the}<br /> Relict and administratrix of the saide<br /> Jefferson and all others et cetera}<br /> Budd Which day the Judges<br /> at the petition of the<br /> said Budd did continue<br /> the Certificate in the<br /> same state that nowe it<br /> is untill ffriday the<br /> nyneteenth day of this<br /> instant moneth of May<br /> in the afternoone/ A Buisines of Contempt promoted}<br /> by Robert davies against Thomas}<br /> horsnell Campion and Richard}<br /> Meredith their Atturney}<br /> Suckley} The like at the<br /> petition of Suckley. A Buisnies of repayringe and}<br /> settinge forth to sea of the shipp}<br /> called The ''Thomas and William''}<br /> whereof John Jefferson was}<br /> Master promoted by Thomas hodges}<br /> and others partowners of the said<br /> shippe against Sarah Jefferson the}<br /> Relict and administratrix of the}<br /> said John Jefferson owner of one}<br /> 8th and one 32th part of the}<br /> said shippe Smith} Which day the said Bud<br /> exhibited the originall<br /> mandate with the Certificate<br /> thereon indorsed And<br /> thereupon appeared the<br /> said Smith for the said<br /> Sarah Jefferson and<br /> made himself partye<br /> for her in whose presence<br /> the Judges at the petition<br /> of the said Bud did decree<br /> the said shipp to be Inventoried<br /> and apprized by Comissioners to<br /> be named on both sides and monished<br /> the said Sarah Jefferson then present in<br /> Court to shewe all such Tackle Apparrell<br /> and furniture as she hath in her handes belonging<br /> to the said shipp to the said Appraisers and they<br /> to returne an Account thereof into this Court<br /> under their hands upon ffriday the 19th of this<br /> month in the afternoone and continued the Certificatee afternoone and continued the Certificate  +
Transcription image [[File:CIMG1540.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/CIMG1540.JPG|[[:HCA 3/46|HCA 3/46]] f.47r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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