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HCA 13/73 f.488v Annotate
First transcribed 8 July 2014  +
First transcriber Thomas Davies  +
Folio 488  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 08/07/2014  +
Transcription together, to Consult, about the savegard otogether, to Consult, about the savegard of the said ship<br /> and their owne lives, and it was agreed by and amongst<br /> them that the sheete Cable and Anchor, and One Hawser<br /> Belonging to the said ship, should be shipped which<br /> accordingly Done, and the same were utterly lost at<br /> sea, And saith that hee verily beleeveth that if they had<br /> not soe done the said ship and Lading would have [?been GUTTER]<br /> driven upon an Island which was nere the place where<br /> the said ship then was, and shee her said Lading<br /> together with her Companyes lives thereby have been utterly<br /> lost, and saith that the Cable two Anchors and two<br /> Hawsers soe lost as aforesaid were then well worth<br /> the summe of two hundred and fifty pounds sterling<br /> and upwards, and the said Looker was forced to<br /> buy others in their roomes in East India and saith that hee paid<br /> there for a Cable about 160 pounds and saith that hee doth<br /> not knowe howe much the said Looker paid for<br /> the two Anchors and two Hausers which hee there bought<br /> but beleeveth that they cost about one hundred and<br /> Tenne pounds Sterling And saith that hee verily beleeveth<br /> that at the time when the said Cable Anchor and<br /> Hawser was shipped as aforesaid the ffreighters<br /> onboard the said ship Goods, wares, Merchandizes<br /> and moneyes, to the Vallue of Tenne Thousand<br /> pounds sterling The premisses hee deposeth being<br /> of the said ship, and being onboard her when the said<br /> Storme happend and when the said Cable Anchor and<br /> hawsers were shipped and lost as aforesaid and further cannot depose To the 9th hee saith that after the said storme the said ship<br /> sailed neere Mucco in China, and a while after her<br /> arrivall there there happened a Difference betweene<br /> Mr. Carter one of the freighters of the said ship, and<br /> Supracargo of her, and the Inhabitants of Mucco<br /> And the said Carter sending the said Boate on shore<br /> with some of the said men therein presently after the<br /> Difference happened, the said Inhabitants of Mucco<br /> seized the said Boate, and men, and never made<br /> restitution, And saith that the said Boate at the time of<br /> the said seizure together with the saile mast and [xxxx]<br /> belonging thereunto was worth the summ of Ten pounds<br /> in this Deponents Estimation, and further cannot depose To his 10th and 11th hee saith that hee hath used the sea<br /> about twenty yeeres last and<br /> hath made two voyages to the East Indias and thereby Knoweth<br /> it is the use and Custome amongst Merchants and the use and Custome amongst Merchants and  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0189_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0189_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.488v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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