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HCA 13/72 f.637r Annotate
First transcribed 16 December 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 637  +
Parent volume HCA 13/72  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 16/12/2015  +
Transcription ffrancis Bellers Richard Glover Thomas ffoffrancis Bellers Richard Glover Thomas ffowke and Company Owners<br /> of the ''Constant Mary'' by the losse of the sayd shipp and goods and<br /> provisions and the profitts which the same might have produced, andthe losse of the freight which might have bin made of her from<br /> the tyme of her sayd seizure till now have susteyned losse and<br /> dammage to the summe of five thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts To the 11th article he saith hee well knoweth that at the tyme when<br /> the ''Constant Mary'' and her sayd ladeing were soe seized<br /> there was a Peace concluded and proclaymed betweene the arlate<br /> Oliver Lord Protector and the Lords the States Generall of the United<br /> Netherland Provinces and their subiects and further hee cannot<br /> depose./ To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./ Arthur Bartlett [SIGNATUREM RH SIDE] ************************************ The same day [CENTRE HEADING] Examined on the sayd allegation '''2us''' '''William Bowle''' servant to Richard Glover of the<br /> parish of Saint Clements Eastcheape London Merchant<br /> aged twenty yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne<br /> and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation and<br /> the schedule therein mentioned hee saith that in the moneths and tyme<br /> arlate the arlate ffrancis Bellers Richard Glover Thomas ffowke<br /> and Company Merchants of London were the true and<br /> lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the arlate shipp the ''Constant Mary''<br /> and of her tackle apparrell and furniture as alsoe of the severall quantities<br /> of provisions and of the severall goods wares and Merchandizes in the schedule<br /> arlate mentioned of which shipp the arlate daniel Leister was<br /> in the moneths and tyme aforesayd Master this hee the better knoweth<br /> for that hee this deponent being a servant to the sayd Mr Glover at<br /> the same tyme did see a great part of the moneys padi for the sayd shipp and for the severall<br /> goods wares Merchandizes and provisions and other charges mentioned<br /> in the sayd schedule And doth by his sayd Masters booke of Accompts<br /> finde that his sayd Master did as one of the Owners of the sayd shipp and her<br /> sayd ladeing and provisions pay his rateable part of them according<br /> to the severall prices specified in the sayd schedule and hath alsoe<br /> seene severall letters sent by the sayd daniell Leister to the sayd<br /> Ownersell Leister to the sayd<br /> Owners  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_121_11_5604.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5604.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.637r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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