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HCA 13/71 f.366r Annotate
First transcribed 31 December 2012  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 366  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 31/12/2012  +
Transcription and he saith that accordingly he this depoand he saith that accordingly he this deponent and<br /> the sayd Perryman did on or about the tenth day of<br /> January last past goe a board the sayd shipp, and<br /> that upon viewing the sayd shipps lading they did find<br /> that some of her lading had received damage, but<br /> he saith and deposeth that the said damage did come<br /> and happen unto the sayd goods by extremity of<br /> fowle weather, and not by the default or negligence of the sayd<br /> Page or any of the Shipps Company, nor of any<br /> insufficiency of the sayd shipp, and he saith that it<br /> did appeare unto this deponent that the weather she had<br /> mett with in her voyage arlate was soe foule that<br /> a longer of wines (though well stowed) had stashed<br /> almost two foote, And further hee cannot depose To the rest he is not examined by order of the party<br /> producent./ Repeated before<br /> doctor Godolphin./. Phillip Ewers [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] **************************** The 14th of October 1656. [GUTTER X]opley and others against the ''ffreeman''}<br /> and against Phillips, delaval}<br /> Suckley Smith} Exámined upon the allegation '''Rp. .j.''' '''Richard Cawcot''' of Aldborough in Suffolk Mariner<br /> aged 50 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined, To the first article of the sayd allegation he deposeth and<br /> saith that he the deponent was one of the Company and aboard<br /> the Shipp the ''Mary'' arlate when the damage arlate was<br /> done unto her by the shipp the ''ffreeman'' arlate and that<br /> the place is calld Galliats reach (which is a little below<br /> Woolwich) where the sayd damage was done, and that the<br /> same is a spatious and broad place, and that he very well<br /> knoweth (by then being aboard her) that the ''Mary'' was comming<br /> up the River, and the ''ffreeman'' soe comming downe with the wind<br /> did call to the Company of the ''ffreeman'', and that the<br /> ''Mary'' did endeavour all that she could to avoyde the ''ffreeman''<br /> and to that purpose the ''Mary'' did leave the Channell and<br /> turne her towards the South shoare, soe that there was roome<br /> enough for the ''ffreeman'' to have past by the ''Mary'' without<br /> doing or receiving any damage, if she had pleased, The<br /> premisses he deposeth because he was a board during the<br /> passages predeposed, the sayd shipp the ''Mary'' And<br /> further he cannot depose./ To the second article, that the arlate vessell the ''{M}ary''<br /> did goe as neare the shoare as possibly she could to avoyd<br /> the ''ffreeman'' ánd that she steerd her best course in all<br /> probability to have avoyded the ''ffreeman'', And that {not}withstanding<br /> allAnd that {not}withstanding<br /> all  +
Transcription image [[File:P1130895.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1130895.JPG|[[:HCA 13/71|HCA 13/71]] f.366r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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