rest of the officers to goe and make deliv … rest of the officers to goe and make deliverie of their said lading of pepper<br />
according to their said order and Commission, and with the same intention<br />
after the said Captaines death, this deponent (who became<br />
Commander in his place) and the rest of the officers proceeded<br />
, and saith they never had or received any the order<br />
whatsoever from their said Imployers to the contrary, or from any other
To the third hee saith that in their said retourne for the Streights mouth<br />
and after Captaine Jourdaines death, many other of the company died<br />
(and many had died before) and many or most of the rest of the<br />
company were sicke, insoemuch that by that time they came to the<br />
Streights mouth the company was soe diminished and weakened and the shipp by fowle and stormy weather was become soe [XXXX GUTTER] that<br />
(albeit this deponent then desired and would if it had bin possible) have gonne in for Ligorne)<br />
it was, found and held impossible to carry the said shipp thither without<br />
greate hazard of losse of her and the lading, and this deponent verily conceiveth in his conscience, that as the rest that stood<br />
by the sicknes and weakenes of the small company that was left,<br />
and the leakinesse of the vessell the said shipp and lading could not have bin carried to Legorne without<br />
extreme perill of losse of both/
The same day.
'''Rp. 2.'''
'''Thomas Newman''' of Mile-end Chirugeon aged 40<br />
yeares or thereabouts sworne and exámined as aforesaid.
To the first hee saith hee this well knoweth the shipp the<br />
''Love'' interrate whereof Captaine Elias Jourdaine was late Commander<br />
and that hee this deponent was Chirugeon and factor of her in this<br />
her last voyage to and cheife merchant of her in her retourne thense; and saith that shee tooke<br />
in her lading of pepper at Andropore in the Iland of Sumatra, and<br />
was to have carried the same to Ligorne and there there to have delivered it<br />
to which place of Ligorne hee saith the commander and officers had<br />
order from Alderman Andrew Riccard and the rest of the Imployers<br />
to carry and deliver the said pepper, which hee knoweth being one of<br />
the said officers that were soe ordered by a Commission in writing from<br />
the said Imployer.
To the second and third hee saith there went out thense ninetie five men and boys<br />
belonging to the said shipp, of which there died foure and thirtie [?the GUTTER]<br />
said voyage, and of which that died Captaine Jourdaine the Commander [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
[XXXX] who departed this life two dayes after the shipps departure<br />
from Andropore to goe for Livorno, and to which place hee and the<br />
rest of the officers were fully determined with gods permission<br />
to saile her according to their orders and there make deliverie of<br />
that pepper, and in the same resolution hee saith the rest of the<br />
officers mutineed after his death, hoping there by such time as they<br />
went to the Streights mouth such of their men as had escaped death<br />
and were sick might recover, and the company be able to [?call GUTTER] and the company be able to [?call GUTTER] +