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HCA 13/70 f.725r Annotate
First transcribed 4 September 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 725  +
Parent volume HCA 13/70  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 04/09/2014  +
Transcription to the roome where they the sayd Johnson ato the roome where they the sayd Johnson and Austyn and sayd<br /> Mariners were drinkeing and merry together, and the sayd Symonds<br /> who did understand dutch was to sett downe what he heard to be<br /> materiall. And the sayd Johnson further told this deponent that he<br /> and sayd Austyn did pretend themselves to be freinds to the dutch and<br /> that the sayd Trumpeter and others of the sayd shipps Company did say<br /> they were indeed bound for holland and were good prize, and that<br /> the sayd Symonds being with Pembridge in the next roome did sett downe<br /> their such confessions. And further not knoweing or deposing any<br /> thing to this Interrogatory but as from her husbands relation she saith<br /> she cannot depose. To the sixth Interrogatorie she saith the last tyme that she saw the shipp ''Sampson''<br /> Otto George or Jurians master so far, as she knoweth was five yeares<br /> agoe in holland, and knoweth not whether ever she saw the sayd<br /> shipps ''Salvador'' and ''Saint George'' or noe. and particulary saith that<br /> so farr as she knoweth she did not see the sayd shipp ''Sampson''<br /> (Otto George Master) the ''Salvador'' (Christian Cloppenburgh master) and<br /> the ''Saint George'' (John Martin dorpe master) nor any or eyther of<br /> them att any tyme happening betweene the moneth of October<br /> one thousand six hundred fifty two and the tenth day of<br /> Noveber one thousand six hundred fifty four, for indeed she<br /> saith she hath not bene to see any of the sayd three shipps since<br /> they were seized and brought into this River. And further she<br /> cannot depose. To the seventh Interrogatorie she saith she conceyveth that her husband<br /> having spent his tyme and labour in the discovery of the truth<br /> touching the sayd shipps belonging to holland ought to be rewarded<br /> but to what a value she cannot judge nor say, and for her owne<br /> part (saving that she expects satisfaction for her losse of tyme in attending)<br /> she doth all with as free an heart as she eyther eates or drinkes, and<br /> all for the Lands good and that the Commonwealth may not be [?conserned]<br /> And further saving her foregoeing depositions to which she doth<br /> referr her selfe she saith she cannot depose. To the 8th Interrogatorie she saith she knoweth not whether or noe the sayd<br /> shipps the ''Sampson'', ''Salvador'' and ''Saint George'' or any of them have<br /> bene altered in their building or manner thereof since the first<br /> building of them or any of them. And further she cannot depose. To the 9th Interrogatory she saith that for her husbands sake who is an English<br /> man and by his order and directions she comes to be a witnes in this<br /> cause for the good of England, which is her sayd husbands owne<br /> Countrey. And further she cannot depose. Repeated before doctor Clarke/ Magdalena '''M''' hendricks [MARKE, RH SIDE]<br /> her markecks [MARKE, RH SIDE]<br /> her marke  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_1065.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_1065.JPG|[[:HCA 13/70|HCA 13/70]] f.725r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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