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HCA 13/70 f.430r Annotate
First transcribed 12 September 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 430  +
Parent volume HCA 13/70  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 12/09/2014  +
Transcription [?XXX] English shipp or Vessell was or is [?XXX] English shipp or Vessell was or is permitted to trade or traffique in those<br /> parts unlesse the Master of such shipp or Vessell first take his oath<br /> and afterwards enter sufficient security for the summe of 2000. duckats not<br /> to depart thence without especiall leave and dispatch first obtained from the<br /> Judgs of the Admiralty of that place, And saith, That in the yeare<br /> <u>1651:</u> last past this deponent dwelling and keeping house at Mallega was very well<br /> acquainted with ffrancisco Lorenzo de Lara the producent in this cause<br /> who was and is a Merchant and inhabitant in Mallega, where this<br /> deponent in the said yeare sawe the said producent imprisoned, and by severall<br /> discourses with the Royall Advocate fiscall of that place and by<br /> common and generall report amongst Merchants there, this deponent<br /> understood, that the said producent had been condemned in the Court of<br /> Admiraltie at Mallega, and the Sentence of that Court confirmed by<br /> Sentence of the Supreame Court of Admiralty at Madrid in Spaine in<br /> the summe of two Thousand duckatts (besides Costs of suite) in which<br /> summe the said francisco Lorenzo de Lara was soe condemned for and upon<br /> occasion of a caution or security of 2000. duckats into which hee had<br /> entred some yeares before for and on the behalfe of one Captaine<br /> Pee[?r]e an Englishman (whose name this deponent otherwise knoweth not)<br /> and Master of an English Vessell or shipp (the name alsoe unknowne to<br /> this deponent) which had some yeares before come into the roade or haven<br /> of Mallega, and for which the said Lorenzo de Lara had become<br /> [?fidejusser] in the summe of 2000. duckats according to the Custome of<br /> that place and to the effect predeposed, And that the said Captaine<br /> Pee{?r]e notwithstanding the said caution so entred into by the said<br /> producent, and notwithstanding his promise to save the said producent<br /> harmelesse, had wilfully sailed out of the said roade or haven without<br /> any permission obtained, as hee was duely obliged to doe, by meanes whereby<br /> the Advocate fiscall for the king of Spaine at Mallega had in<br /> Course of Law proceeded against and caused the said de Lara<br /> to bee condemned to pay the said summe of two Thousand duckats, and<br /> that the said producent appealing from the said Sentence of condemnation<br /> to Madrid, the sentence aforesaid was there confirmed andthe said<br /> producent [?XXXX] imprisoned, and (so farr as this deponent both by<br /> the said Advocate fiscall by name Seignor Michael {?Marrinson]<br /> by common report amongst Merchants at Mallega the said<br /> ffrancisco Lorenzo de Lara was necessitated to pay the said summe<br /> of two Thousand duckatts and costs of suite occasioned by the<br /> meanes aforesaid. And soe much hee saith was and is<br /> publiquely notorious amongst Merchants of that place<br /> and commonly [?talked] of and detested as an unworthy andtalked] of and detested as an unworthy and  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0473.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0473.JPG|[[:HCA 13/70|HCA 13/70]] f.430r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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