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HCA 13/68 f.673r Annotate
First transcribed 29 January 2018  + , 29 January 2018  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  + , Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 673  +
Parent volume HCA 13/68  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 29/01/2018  + , Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 29/01/2018  +
Transcription The tenth day of March .<u>1653</The tenth day of March .<u>1653</u> Examined upon the sayd allegation. '''8us''' '''Captaine Gilbert Crane''' of Saint Mary Magdalens parish in<br /> Southwarke and County of Surrey Mariner aged<br /> 34 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and<br /> examined deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet. To the 1. and 2. Articles of the sayd allegation he saith he cannot depose To the .2. 3. and 4th. articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith<br /> that being att New England [?XXXX XXXX] in the shipp the ''King David'' in the<br /> immediat service of this Commonwealth whereof he was then Commannder<br /> he did in or about in the month of August last past see a shipp there arrive in the harbour of Salem<br /> and manned by English men the bottome whereof was Spanish or<br /> Portuguese built and topp thereof Hollands built which shipp<br /> was then called the ''Holy ghost'' having in her sterne the image<br /> or represntation of a dove and a Crosse, which very shipp this<br /> deponent hath since seene in the River of Thames in the possession<br /> of Captaine Bredon as her owner. And saith that teh foresayd English<br /> Mariners who brought the sayd shipp into Salem Harbour did acquaint<br /> this deponent there that they had taken and surprized the sayd<br /> shipp att the Barbadoes taking an opportunity when many<br /> of her Company were out of her, most of whom as they<br /> sayd were Spaniards and Portugueses, and that they cutt her<br /> Cables and turned such of her Company as they found on board<br /> her into a ong boat and sent them to land and brought away the<br /> sayd shipp and that they had bene once before with the sayd vessell<br /> att [ADD DATA] sayd vessell<br /> att [ADD DATA]  + , The tenth day of March .<u>1653</The tenth day of March .<u>1653</u> Examined upon the sayd allegation. '''8us''' '''Captaine Gilbert Crane''' of Saint Mary Magdalens parish in<br /> Southwarke and County of Surrey Mariner aged<br /> 34 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and<br /> examined deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet. To the 1. and 2. Articles of the sayd allegation he saith he cannot depose To the .2. 3. and 4th. articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith<br /> that being att New England [?XXXX XXXX] in the shipp the ''King David'' in the<br /> immediat service of this Commonwealth whereof he was then Commannder<br /> he did in or about in the month of August last past see a shipp there arrive in the harbour of Salem<br /> and manned by English men the bottome whereof was Spanish or<br /> Portuguese built and topp thereof Hollands built which shipp<br /> was then called the ''Holy ghost'' having in her sterne the image<br /> or represntation of a dove and a Crosse, which very shipp this<br /> deponent hath since seene in the River of Thames in the possession<br /> of Captaine Bredon as her owner. And saith that teh foresayd English<br /> Mariners who brought the sayd shipp into Salem Harbour did acquaint<br /> this deponent there that they had taken and surprized the sayd<br /> shipp att the Barbadoes taking an opportunity when many<br /> of her Company were out of her, most of whom as they<br /> sayd were Spaniards and Portugueses, and that they cutt her<br /> Cables and turned such of her Company as they found on board<br /> her into a ong boat and sent them to land and brought away the<br /> sayd shipp and that they had bene once before with the sayd vessell<br /> att [ADD DATA] sayd vessell<br /> att [ADD DATA]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_117_07_0905.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_117_07_0905.JPG|[[:HCA 13/68|HCA 13/68]] f.673r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 29 January 2018 20:15:42  + , 29 January 2018 20:15:42  +
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