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HCA 13/68 f.625r Annotate
First transcribed 8 December 2015  +
First transcriber Jo Pugh  +
Folio 625  +
Parent volume HCA 13/68  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 08/12/2015  +
Transcription this deponent is a Bachiler and for theis this deponent is a Bachiler and for theis 6 yeares last past hath<br /> bene a Mariner and in that ymployment hath bene in Italy Spaine<br /> fflanders as voyages happened and now in England, and before<br /> he so became a Mariner lived constantly att venice where he<br /> saith he was bourne. To the 3rd and 4th and 5th he saith that the said shipp ''Angolo Castado[?]'' began this present<br /> voyage about 4 monethes agoe from the Citty and port of Venice<br /> and from thence sayled directly to Zant laden with about 50[?]<br /> baggs of Anniseeds, and empty butts for Carrans, and money<br /> to buy and provide the sayd Currans, which anniseed and empty butts<br /> and money was taken in att venice for accompte as he heard att<br /> venice and beleiveth of the said Burghetti, and the same being<br /> arrived and brought in the said shipp to Zant. The said butts and<br /> were delivered to a Certaine merchant whose name he knoweth<br /> not which merchant returned the said butts back againe filled with Currants being about 140 or<br /> 160 butts being laden on board the said vessell ''Angelo Custade[?]''<br /> departed therewith and the foresaid Anniseeds from Zant to Messina, and there tooke<br /> in fresh water, and from Messina she sayled her direct Course<br /> for Dantzyck being her port of discharge, but in her way was<br /> mett with and surprized by the Suckly frigatt and brought into a<br /> little Isle nere to ffalmouth and from the said Isle was brought<br /> to ffalmouth where she now remaynes. And otherwise he cannot<br /> depose. To the 6th Interrogatory he saith he did not see any bills of lading signed<br /> for the said goods nor any of that nor knoweth what or how many were<br /> signed nor doth he know or hath heard that there were any privat<br /> notice or Instructions to sayle the said shipp for Amsterdam or any<br /> other port or place in Holland or Zealand or ffrance in case<br /> the same might or could passe unmolested, nor knoweth nor hath<br /> heard of any directions given but for dantzyck onely. And<br /> otherwise he cannot depose. To the 7th Interrogatory he saith he neyther saw knoweth nor hath heard<br /> of any [Charter party?] that was made for this voyage. And otherwise<br /> he cannot depose. To the 8th Interrogatory he saith he doth not know what bills of lading<br /> were in or found on board the said shipp and further cannot depose. To the 9th Interrogatory he saith he doth not know beleive nor hath<br /> heard that there were any bills of lading letters or other papers<br /> whatsoever anyway concerning the said shipp or her lading hid<br /> eyther within or without the said shipp, or burnt found throwne<br /> overboard or made away after or before the seizure of the<br /> sayd shipp. And otherwise he cannot depose. To the 10th Interrogatory he saith that the foresaid Burghetti who was<br /> said att venice to be the lader of the saod Anniseeds Butts and money<br /> was Anniseeds Butts and money<br /> was  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_117_07_0809.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_117_07_0809.JPG|[[:HCA 13/68|HCA 13/68]] f.625r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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