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HCA 13/63 f.396v Annotate
First transcribed 12 July 2017  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 396  +
Parent volume HCA 13/63  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 12/07/2017  +
Transcription [ADD DATA] Ad 24 deponit that those of th[ADD DATA] Ad 24 deponit that those of the ''Tobias'' knewe not of the comming of<br /> the ''Saint Mathias'' when they came from Lubeck, but the ''Tobias'' being<br /> hindered and kept back by bad weather and contrary winde, the<br /> ''Saint Mathias'' came first in her company at Elsanore, after the<br /> ''Tobias'' had bin about a fortnight come out of Lubeck, and<br /> lighting soe together, they proposed to saile together for Cadiz, but<br /> had not the ''Tobias'' met with that foule weather and contray<br /> winde shee had proceeded for Cadiz without the company of the<br /> said shipp the ''Mathias'' Et alre nescit. [ADD DATA] *************************** 14th Septembris 1650. '''2dus.''' '''Henricus Dubb''' civitatis Lubecensis nauta, aetatis 30 annorum<br /> aut circiter testis productus et iuratus. [ADD DATA]r testis productus et iuratus. [ADD DATA]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_113_02_6540.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_113_02_6540.jpg|[[:HCA 13/63|HCA 13/63]] f.396v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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