HCA 13/68 f.132v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 132 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 01/08/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_115_06_9821.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/08/01 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 27/11/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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had therein a Messenger of the sayd Young Van Trump, being his ?said
Interpreter and knoweth him this deponent, who then immediately went
off from the Harry Bonadeventure, and in the sayd Governors boat in the
sight of this deponent arrived att Vantrumps owne shipp, And saith That
immediately thereupon the sayd dutch shipps made upp to the place where
the Harry Bonadventure and the prize the Saint Peter lay, and two of the
sayd dutch shipps in the sight of this deponent ?clapped aboard the sayd prize
the Saint Peter, and four other dutch shipps clapped aboard the Harry
Bonadventure, wherby the Company of the sayd Dutch shipps possessed
themselves of both the sayd shipps the Harry Bonadventure and the Saint
Peter lying both within pistoll shott of the ffort of Trapany as aforesayd
this deponent being then in the castle of Trapany and seeing all the sayd passages. And otherwise
cannot depose.
To the fifteenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that to colour this
busines there were about 12 small gunnes discharged from the Castle of
Trapany aforesayd but without shott, and noe execution done upon any of the
sayd Dutch shipps though one of their men of Warr was a ground. The
premisses this deponent knoweth to be true, for that he was by Captaine Swanley
afterwards upon the approach of the sayd Dutch shipps to make the sayd
seizure, sent a shoare, and gott accrosse into the Castle, and there saw the
souldiers manage the gunnes they so shott off as afoesayd, and by the
report or sound therof knoweth they were not laden with bullet
and saw two or three of the sayd Gunnes charged with powder onely and
noe bullet putt therein, being present att the tyme of their such chargeing
and from the sayd Castle walls saw the sayd English mann of warr and
prize Saint Peter boarded and seized as aforesayd, and one of the dutch
men of warr a ground as aforesayd, without any hurt or execution done upon
the dutch shipps from the sayd Castle. which he knoweth for the reasons aforesayd
And otherwise cannot depose.
To the sixteenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd Captaine
Swanley and Companie perceyving themeselves betrayed in manner as aforesayd
videlicet so many of them as were not kept aboard the sayd dutch shippes
endeavoured to gett into the sayd Castle to make some shotts themselves against
the sayd dutch shipps, but they were beaten downe and kept out by the
Captaine of the Castle and not permitted so to doe, this deponent being att that
tyme in the castle and seeing and observing the premisses. And otherwise
cannot depose.
To the seventeenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that the
sayd van Trump after he had surprized both the sayd shipps the Harry
Bonadventure and the Saint Peter of the sight and observation of this
deponent struck his flagg three tymes and saluted the Towne with 5 or
7 gunnes, which thing according to the common interpretation of such actions
and as this deponent beleiveth were by him done in token of his respect
and thankfullness to the sayd Towne and Governors. And further he cannot
To the eighteenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth That
after the sayd Van Trump was gone away with the sayd two shipps [?there]