MRP: Thomas Stanton will

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Thomas Stanton will

PROB 11/405 Vere 93-139 Will of Thomas Stanton, Gentleman of Bungay, Suffolk 10 June 1691

Editorial history

04/02/12, CSG: Created page

Abstract & context

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See 4th October 1667, Letter from Thomas Stanton to Sir GO, London

To do


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN Anno Domini One thousand six hundred ninety and one (1691) to all people to whom this present writeing shall come I Thomas Stanton of Bungay in the County of Suff: Gent being in perfect mind and memory for which I praise God and considereing with my selfe the frailtie of all men the certainety of death and the great uncertainety of time manner and place thereof knowing that all flesh is grass and the glory thereof as the flower of the feild and being desirous to set my estate in order now in the time of my health (that there may be no difference touching the same after my decease) and to be ready to dye when the time of my change shall come doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following, to witt I commend my Sould which is immortall into the mercifull hands of God my maker steadfastly beleiving by and through his tender and never faileing mercies in his son Christ my only saviour and Redeemer to be made partaker of eternall life, and that when my deare Saviour (who is my life) shall appeare I through his suffereings merits and intercesion and the infinite mercy and goodness of God shall alsoe appeare with him in glory and I committ my body to the earth from whence it came with full assurance that at the last day of the generall resurrection I shall receive the same againe by the mighty power of God wherewith he is able to subdue all things to himselfe which in the meane time I comitt to the discrecion of Elizabeth my loveing and tender wife to see the same decently interres in some convenient place wither in Church or Churchyard in Vault or grave with a faier thick marbell stone over me with my name and coate of armes thereon deeply ingraved, and as touching that worldly estate which God of his infinite mercy and goodness without any desert of mine hath lent me dureing this life, I freely of my owne voluntarily will dispose thereof as followeth (that is to say)

I give and bequeath unto the poore the summe of [blank in document] pounds to be fariely distributed amongst them on the say of my funerall or within three days after by Elizabeth my loveing and tender wife or some by her appointment as she or them shall thinke fitt, only twenty shillings part of the said [blank in document] pounds I give unto my Cozen XuXX Winter a poor man and now liveing in ?Denton in Norf if he be then liveing and I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my loveing and ??kind wife and to my brother in Law M:r Thomas Gray of London Merchant five pounds a peice to each of them and alsoe one gold ring to each of them worth sixteene shillings each ring and I give and bequeath unto those six Gent or Marrin:rs that shall carry my body to be buried to witt to each of them one paire of gloves and a gold ring worth tenn shillings each ?only, and to those Gent my freinds and acquaintance that shall come and be at my funerall and especially


to those that hath or may have ticketts under my owne handwriteing wine and gloves to each man, and I give unto that Minister that shall bury me and preach my funerall sermon tenn shillings a paier of gloves and a gold ring worth tenn shillings, and I givea nd bequeath unto my man servant that shall live with me at the time of my death my best black cloath coat, britches, silke, or worsted stockings black hat and XXXXXXX cravat and long neckecloath with a paier of gloves, and to my maid servant one paier of gloves and a gold ring worth tenn shillings and I give and bequeath unto M:r John ?Dalling M:r Samuell ?Heniblen [blank in document as if more names had been intended, but not written] to each of them if they come to my funerall one gold ring worth tenn shillings and a paier of gloves alwayes provided that all the foremencioned mony wine gloves rings and all other funerall expences whatsoever shall not amount to above fifty pounds good and lawfull mony of England, and after all my just debts and funerall expences ar first paid and satisfied and not before; then I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my loveing and kind wife in full recompence and satisfaction of her Dower thirds and all other her right title interest and demand which she may claime by and after my decease of any part of my estate whatsoever one Annuity or yearely charge of twenty pounds good and lawfull mony of England to be paid unto my said wife and her assignes from and imediately after my decease for and dureing the terme of her naturall life to be paid unto her or her assignes at the fower usuall feasts or days of payment in the yeare (that is to say) the nativity of our Lord and Saviour commonly called Christmast day, the Annunciaccon of our blessed Lady the Virgin Mary commonly called our Lady day, the Nativity of S:t John the Baptist commonly called Midsumerday, and S:t Michaell the Archangell commonly called XXXXX day by even and equall portions at or in the Trinity Church ?porch of Bungay aforesaid and the first payment thereof to begin at and upon such of the said feast days or days of payment as shall first happen next and imediately after my decease and my will and meaning is that if it should happen the said yearely rent of twenty pounds to be behinde and unpaid in part or in all after any of the said feast days or days of payment in which the same ought and is as aforesaid ?limited to be paid it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said wife or her assignes to enter and take possession of all my houses yards orchards and meadow ground that I lately bought of M:r John ?Wrongrey lyeing and being in Bungay aforesaid and in ?Carsham in the County of Norf: and now in the occupacon of me the said Thomas Stanton John Kingsbery and [blank in document] Crawford and their assignes at their free will and pleasure and theire remaine and distraine as well for the said annuity or yearely rent of twenty pounds as for such summe or summes of mony as shall or may happen to become forfited or lost for or in the name of a?paine, as aforesaid and for the ?arearages of them, or either of them if any shall hapen to be and the distress, and distress then and there found to lead drive take cary away


and the same in her their or any of their hands or pssessions to detaine and keep untill my said wife or her assignes shall be fully satisefied contented and paid aswell the said Annuity or yearely rent as the said monys soe happening to become forefeited as aforesaid together with the said arearages if any shall happen to be alsoe my will and desire os, that my said wife shall have her dwelling in that part of the house yard and outhouses that I now dwelling on the kitchin chamber and the two small chambers next of onyl excepted free and cleare from paying any rent soe long as she shall remaine a widdow and I further give and bequeath unto her my said wife all my beere vessells brewing and washing tubs to her, ?wayshing tub brewing and washing coppers with all the Irons and all other things belonging to washing with all my wood `rules ?candles, soap sugar and all provisions for man or beast that shall be in my possession at the time of my death with my coach and coach mares with my large silver candell, cupp and cover and my bed and bedsted as it now stands in my hall chamber, as alsoe a learge couch, looking glass and small seader table standing in the same chamber, withall my wareing apparell both lining silk stuffe and wolling with her rings and five pounds in gold withall her plate, pewter brass beding and household stuffe, that she brought me since maradg (sic) and my will and meaning further is that if my said wife shall not willingly accept of the aforesaid Annuity of twenty pounds to be paid her yearely dureing her naturall life as aforesaid, then I give and bequeath unto my said wife two hundred pounds in good and lawfull money of England to be paid unto her every six months after my decease by fifty pounds at a time till the said two hundred pounds be fully paid her and if my said wife be with Child now or at the time of my death then I give and bequeath unto that child or children two hundred pounds good and lawfull mony of England to be paid at their age of one and twenty yeares the interest and profitts of the said mony to be paid quarterly towards the bringing up of the said child or children and I give and bequeath unto my cozen ffrancis Penny of ?Woladge in Kent the summe of tenn pounds to be paid unto her a yeare after my decease if she be then liveing and I give and bequeath unto my cozen Stanton Penny her son the like summe of tenn pounds to be paid him at his age of one and twenty yeares if he be then liveing, and I give and bequeath unto my cozen [blank] ?Handa the daughter of [blank] ?Handa now deceased she lately or now liveing in or about ?Carleton in Suffolk were (sic) her mother died the summe of three pounds to be paid her a yeare after my decease if she be then liveing and I give and bequeath unto my dear and only sonn Thomas Stanton fower and twenty pounds a yeare for his education board close liveing books learning and all other necessaries for him whatsoever, every yeare till he shall attaine to his full age of fifteene yeares or be fitting to goe to any of the Universaties, and after his age of fifteene yeares and be at any of the universaties of Cambridge or Oxford my will and meaning is that then he shall have fivetie pounds a yeare allowed him for his education,


board, close, books and all other necessaryes as aforesaid every yeare untill he shall attaine his full age of one and twenty yeares which will not be till the seaventeenth day of July in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seaven hundred for my will desire and comand is that he may have as much learning as his yeares may make him capable of, and after he comes to one and twenty yeares not before I give and bequeath unto him my said sonn Thomas Stanton all my goods and chattles whatsoever and wheresoever and not before given away by me

27 MAY 1691

WHICH day appeared personally Henry Webster of ?Mettingham in the county of Suffolk Gentleman and made Oath that he was very well acquainted with Thomas Stanton of Bungay in the County of Suffolk aforesaid for severall yeares before and to his death who died about a moneth since, and since that aboute three days after his death this deponent with Elizabeth Stanton the deceased widow and some others went into the said deceaseds chamber in which there was a Closett and took out the will of the said deceased hereunto annexed which was delivered unto M:r John ?Doughty Clerke then present who read the same audibly in this deponents presence and hearing and this deponent haveing now seen and possesed the aforesaid will and being well acquainted with the hand writeing of the said deceased haveing often seen him write her verily beleiveth that the said will hereunto annexed is all writt with the proper hand writeing of the said deceased


??Codin due dens Henricus Webster jurat sup veritate primissorum coram me THO ?PINIFOLD SCR


WHICH day appeared psonally Anne Gray the wife of Thomas Gray Merchant and by vertue of her Oath deposed that about two days after the death of Thomas Stanton of Bungay in the County of Suffolk Gent deceased, this deponent with Thomas Stanton the deceased sonn and Philip Gray this deponents sonn went into the deceaseds Closett within his Lodging Chamber this deponent onlooking the doore and in his said Closett the will hereunto annexed was found which was delivered to M:r John Doughty who was with others standing at the Closett doors, and this deponent haveing now seen and perused the said will annexed hereunto and considered the Character and manner of writeing thereof she saith, that she received severall Letters from him the said Thomas Stanton and hath very often seen him write she meaning the sister of this deponents husband) and is very well acquainted with his hand writeing and doth verily beleive in her Conscience thatt the said will is all of his the said


Testator hand writeing

ANNE GRAY Codin die Jurat XXXX


Suggested primary sources


PROB 4/19627 Stanton, Thomas, of Bungay, Suffolk, gent 1691 30 Dec. [illeg.]

PROB 11/307 Laud 1-52 Will of Thomas Stanton of Mildenhall, Suffolk 21 January 1662
PROB 11/348 Dycer 52-105 Will of Samuell Stanton, Mariner of Ratcliffe, Middlesex 07 June 1675
PROB 11/432 Bond 87-130 Will of Thomas Gray 24 July 1696