MRP: Sir Thomas Chambrelan will

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Sir Thomas Chambrelan will

PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir Thomas Chambrelan of London 07 December 1671

Editorial history

30/11/11, CSG: Created page and posted completed transcription

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See 29th September 1662, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO
See 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, London
See 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, continuation
See 30th November 1663, Letter from Cesar Chambrelan to Sir GO, Carwar
See 8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney

See 1656, Papers sent by Major Thomas Chamberlain to John Thurloe

See Sir Arthur Ingram will (son-in-law of Sir Thomas Chambrelan)

To do


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I S:r Thomas Chambrelan of London Knight being of sound mind memory and understanding (Blessed be the Almighty God) yet considereing the ffrailty of all mankind doe makeand ordeine this my last will and Testament

FFIRST and principally I recommend my Soule unto the Holy Protection of Almighty God hopeing for salvation by the alone meritts of our blessed Lordand Saviour Jesus Christ And I desire that my body may be buried according to the Rules of the Church of England in the Parish Church of Putney soe neareas Conveniently may be to the place where my late deare wife was buried And the same to be done without any vainglory or Pompe And without any ffunerall Sermon

And concerning my Temporall Estate with which it hath pleased God to Bless me I dispose of the same as ffolloweth

FIRST I will and devise that all such debts and duties as I justly owe be duly paid and satisfied And in case upon all the accounts made up concerneing the Adventures and voyages of the Old Ginney Company[1] And of what therein Justly belong to me It shall appeare That I am indebted upon that account I doe will and desire that the same be fully paid and satisfied

ITEM I give and devise fforty shillings to be laid out in Bread and distributed amongst the poore of Putney That shalbe there att the tyme of my ffunerall

ITEM I give unto M:r Slater the Minister of Putney ffive pounds And to M:r Grigg Minister of S:t Andrews Undershaft in London ffive pounds

ITEM I give to the Churchwardens of Putney for the use of the Poore there ffive pounds And to the Churchwardens of the said parish of S:t AndrewsUndershaft for the use of the poore there ffive pounds

ITEM I give to my Maid servant Anne Browne Tenn pounds And to such other Maid servants as shall live with me att the tymeof my decease To each of them ffive pounds And to my Boy ffive pounds

ITEM I will that all my Children And my sonnes in Law S:r Arthur Ingram Knight and M:r Michaell Godfrey And all my ffamily have mourning att my ffunerall

ITEM I devise unto my sisters in Law M:rs Katherine Otgar M:rs Magdalen Burlamathy and M:rs Susanna Burlamachy To each of themTenn pounds for mourning

ITEM I give to my loveing ffreinds M:r John ?Pliye M:r William ffinch and M:r Thomas Papillon Merchants To each of them Tenn pounds to buy mourning And concerning any Rings to be given and Charges to be expended att my ffunerall I wholly leave it to the discretion of my Three Daughters Hester Katherine and Renny But will That the Rings to be given be not above one hundred And such as are givento be tenn shillings a peece

ITEM I give and devise to my daughter Katherine Chambrelan my white Diminety Bedd wrought with Greene att Putney with the Bedding Bed stead and furniture Thereunto belonging And the Chairesand stooles of the same

ITEM I give and devise unto my sonne Joseph Chambrelan the summe of Eight hundred pounds of lawfull money of England To be paid to him soe soon as he shall have served out his apprenticeship And in case my said sonne Joseph shall dye before he shall have served out his Apprenticeship Then I will and devise That the said Eight hundred pounds shalbe equally devided part and part like among my Grandchild Michaell Godfrey and all my surviving children (Except my onely my daughter Godfrey)

ITEM I give to my Grandchild Peter Godfrey Tenn pounds for to buy a peece of Plate to keepe in Remembrance of me

ITEM I give and devise unto my daughter Hester Chambrelan


The summe of One Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England To be paid within Six moneths after my decease

ITEM I give and devise unto my daughter Katherine Chambrelan the summe of One Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England To be paidwithin Six moneths after my decease

ITEM I give and devise unto my daughter Rennee Chambrelan the summe of One Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England To be paid within Six moneths after my decease

ITEM I will and devise that my said daughters Hester Katherine and Rennee shall for the reward of their care and duty to me manifested during my sickness and weakness have and enjoy To their owne use and behoofe the possession occupacon benefitt proffitt and advantage of my Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances scituate lying and beingin Putney aforesaid wherein I now dwell And alsoe for the use and reasonable wearing of all and singular my Plate Lynnen woollen Pewter Brasse Ironware bedding goods Pictures furniture householdstuffe and utensillsof household whatsoever there being and to me belonging And not herein before by this my will devised To have and to hold untomy said Daughters Hester Katherine and Rennee and their assignes untill my sonne Cesar Chambrelan shall returne into England from the East Indies And in case my said sonne Cesar shall returne into England Then and in such Case I give and devise the said messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances in Putney And the Reverton and revertons Remainder and remainders Rents issues and proffitts of the sameunto my said sonne Cesar Chambrelan his heiresand assignes forever And in such case I alsoe give and devise unto my said sonne Cesar his Executo:es and asministrato:s All and singular my Plate Lynnen woollen Pewter Brasse Ironware bedding goods Pictures books printed and manuscripts furniture householdstuffe and utensills of household (Except onely whatI have before devised to my said daughter Katherine But incase my said sonne Cesar Chambrelan shall happen to dye before he shall returne into England Then and in such case I give and devise the The said Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances in Putney and the reverton and revertons Remainder and Remainders Rents issuesand proffitts of the same unto my said daughters Hester Chambrelan Katherine Chambrelan and Rennee Chambrelan And to their heires and assignes To have and to hold unto my said Daughters Hester Katherine and Rennee their heires and assignes equally share and share like And in such case I alsoe give and devise my said Plate Lynnen woollen Pewter Brasse Ironware Bedding goods Pictures Books and manuscripts furniture householdstuffe and utensills of household intended for my said sonne Cesar unto my said Daughters Hesther Katherine and Rennee their executo:es and administrato:s share and share like

ITEM I give and devise unto mysaid sonne Cesar Chambrelan All and singular my Manno:es Castles messuages lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever with thappurtenances scituate Lying and being in the Barrony of Connellow and County of Limerick or elsewhere in the Kingdome of Ireland And in case my said sonne Cesar Chambrelan shall returne into England Then and in such case I give and devise the same unto him his heires and assignes But in case my said sonne Cesar shall happen to dye before his Returne into England Thenand in such case I give the said manno:es Castles messuages Lands


Tenements and hereditaments unto my said sonne Joseph Chambrelan and to my said daughters Hester Katherineand Rennee and to their heires and assignes forever

ITEM Igive and devise unto the said S:r Arthur Ingram Knight William Salmon of Putney in the County of Surrey Esquire and the said John XXXX merchant and to their heires Executo:es Administrato:es and assignes All and singular my Messuages Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever scituate lying and being in Leadenhall streete in the parish of S:t Andrew Undershaft in London And alsoe all and singualr my Manno:es Lordshippes Messuages Lands Tenements woods underwoods and hereditaments whatsoever with Thappurtenances to me belonging or in any wise apperteyning Or whereof and wherein I the said S:r Thomas Chambrelan or any other person or persons in Trust for me or to my use benefitt or behoofe XXX (is or are) any wayes seized possessed or interessed in scituate lyingand being in the Counties of Suffolk and Bedford or either of them And the Reverton and Revertons remainder and Remainders Rents issuesand profitts of the same And alsoe all the estate and estates right and Rights title and Titles Terme and Termes of years to come interests property clayme and demand whatsoever of in and to the same and all ?every or any partor parcell of the same To have and to hold the same Messuages Manno:es Lordshippes Lands Tenements woods underwoods hereditaments and all and singular other the premisses with the appurtenances unto the said S:r Arthur Ingram William Salmon and John Page their heires Executo:es and assignes upon Trust and Confidence Nevertheless That they the said S:r Arthur Ingram William Salmon and John Page and the survivo:s of them And the heires execto:es and assignes of the Survivor:s of them doe and shall within some Convenient tyme after my decease make sale of the said Messuages Manno:s Lordshipps Lands Tenements woods underwoods hereditaments and premisses with thappurtenances for the most profitt and advantage And doe and shall out of the moneys arising by the sale and by the Rents issues and profitts of the same reimburse and repay unto him and themselves all such Charges and expences as they or any of them shall any wayes expend pay out or be put unto incur about the execution of this present Trust And doe and shall out of the said moneyes pay all such summe and summes of money as are payable respectively out of the said premisses to any other person or persons And alsoe doe and shall out of the said moneys pay unto my said sonne Joseph Chambrelan the aforesaid Legacie of Eight hundred pounds att the tymeand in manner as the same us before devised And doeand shall alsoe out of the said moneys pay unto my said daughters Hester Katherine and Rennee Respectively the said One Thousand poundes a peece to them Respectively givenand bequeathedas aforesaid soe soone as Conveniently may be after my decease And upon this further Trust and Confidence That untill payment of the said One Thousand pounds a peece To my said daughters respectively The said S:r Arthur Ingram William Salmon and John Page and the survivo:s of them and the heires and assignes of the Survivor:s of them doe and shall pay and satisffy yearly and every yeare unto each of my said daughters the yearly summe of sixty pounds of lawfull money of England by Two halfeyearly payments in equall porcons for their support and maintenance accordingly The rest and residue of my estate not before by this my will devised I give and bequeath


unto my sonne Cesar Chambrelan And I doe hereby declare That the severall Legacies given untomy said Children are in full satisfaction of all parts shares and proportons as are any wayes due or belonging unto themout of my Estate by the Custome of the Citty of London or otherwise And I doe make and ordeyne my said daughters hester Katherine and Rennee Chambrelan to be Executo:s of this my will untill my said sonne Cesar Chambrelan shall returne for England And soe soone as my said sonne Cesar shalbe returned into England I doe ordaine and appoint my said sonne Cesar my full and sole Executo:r And I doe hereby revoake all former and other wills and Codicills and devise and appointthat this onely shall take effect



June the 21:th 1670

These severall sheets of Paper being Eight in number were published and declared before us whose names are underwritten By S:r Thomas Chambrelan Knight to be his last will and Testament, The sheets are Eight in number wrote only on one side

Noah Bridges Rob: Lang Henry Portman

July the 5th 1670 S:r Thomas Chambrelan have caused his daughter Hester to be inserted in severall places of the will did seale and deliver this will and declareit to be his last wil and Testament in the presence of George ?Kellum John Hart

I APPROVE this to be my will


19:o (sic), June 1670

PROBATUM FUIT Testamentum suprascriptun apud a des Exand scituate in le StrandinCond Mall Septimo die mensis Decembris Anno Domini Millisimo Sexcentesimo Septuagesimo Primis Coram ven:blis vire XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hestera Catherina et Rennee Chambrelan filiae dicti defuncto XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Cesar Chambrelan

Possible primary sources

  1. This is the footnote text