HCA 13/71 f.438r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.438r.

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HCA 13/71 f.438r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the said shipp, gunns, sailes, shrowdes, powder, ammunition, tackle apparell
and furniture were at the said time of spoile and seizure worth thirteene
hundred pounds sterling, and her lading of copper barrs, and other goods, necessaries
and provisions worth the like summe of thirteene hundred pounds or
neere thereabouts in this deponents estimation. And otherwise hee cannot

To the seaventh hee saith the said shipp at the time of the said seizure
was in pay of the said Naylor and company for and after the rate of
fiftie pounds per month for seaven or eight monethes, and
was upon her comming to the Barbada's from Ginney to have bin delivered
to her owners or their use; and saith shee would have made in freight
from the Barbada's to London four hundred pounds cleare of all
victualls and expences, and soe much profitt other shipps of that
burthen doe usually make which hee knoweth having bin twice at
the Barbadas as a mariner in shipps. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

John burnetts [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 4.

Lewes Maddock of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex Mariner
aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts, sworne and exámined.

To the first article hee saith hee well knoweth the producents Thomas
Wade and company, and saith they were the time arlate the true and
lawfull owners and Proprietors of the shipp the Justice of dover (of
which John ffishbell was master) and of her tackle apparrell and furniture
and for such commonly accounted, which hee knoweth being one of her
company the voyage allegate.

To the second article hee saith hee well knoweth John Naylor, John horne
and company arlate, subiects of this Commonwealth, and that they within
the time aforesaid hired and tooke the said shipp to freight of the said
owners for a voyage for Ginney and thense for the Barbada's, and
laded her with copper barrs, and other goods for their owne account, to be
disposed of at Ginney for their advantage, and that they were the true
proprietors of the said goods, and for such commonly accounted, yeelding
for reason of his knowledge as aforesaid, and seeing the said goods soe laded
as aforesaid.

To the third hee referreth himselfe to the articles of Peace arlate, which
peace hee saith was and is publique and notorious.

To the fourth and fifth articles hee saith that the said shipp with her
said lading being in the moneth of January last past at Cape
Sierra -Leone in Ginney to take in wood and water as (as iit
was and is there free to the English to doe) was there met with by one
Monsieur de la Rose commander of a ffrench shipp called the
dutches, Admirall of other ffrench shipps which hee had in his company
all belonging to the king of ffrance or his subiects, which
Monsieur de la Rose and company going about in a
violent manner to seize the said shipp Justice, the said John ffishbell and
others of his company told and acquainted them with the Peace
made betwixt England and ffrance and therefore desired them to
forbeare committing violence on those that were in amitie with them