HCA 3/47 f.3r Annotate

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HCA 3/47 f.3r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


A busines of examination of witnesses on}
the behalfe of Rginas Allen Anthony}
Pennistons and Company owners of the}
shippe called the King of Poland against}
John Wright Jasper White Perient}
Trott Richard Chandler George}
Waterman Thomas Toulson and John}
B[?ickes] freighters of the said shipp}


Captaine John Lawson and Captaine}
Samuell Howett and Company}
against the shippe called the Saint}
Julien pf Brest and her Tackle}
and furniture And the freight due}
for the transportation of the goods}
in the same and against James de}
Cornovaile ffloran de Cornovaile}
John de Moschane and de Landagare}
coming in for their interest therein}
Budd Smith.}