HCA 13/76 f.137v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.137v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Sexto Marty 1666 [CENTRE HEADING]

[DXXs ]Mr Rey con navem the Lisde (cujus Martinus}
Tyson [?fock]est magr) an con doncker et seios.}

Super allegatione arlate ex aclate ex
parte dictorum dourker et [?XXXX]
dat et schedulis eidam annex[?XX]


Adam Magerl Dominus Residenti Suecico a [?Secretis]
annos agens 32 ant circiter, testis.

Ad 1um. 2. 3. 4.et 5 nescit salvis subscrptes.

Ad 6. 7. 8. 9. et 10 arles et schedulas eidem allegationi annexst et in [?dros]
arles mentionato in tempore [?XXXX] examinaconis [?XXXX] deponit et dicit
that hee being secretary to Monsieur Lienbergh Resident in London
for his Nation of Sweedden, and privie to his dispatches and receipt of letters
from abroad, well knoweth the hands of Monsieur Appleboom mentioned
in the said sixth article (who hee saith was and is Envoy extraordinary for the
said King at the Hague) and that the first schedule was sent
from the said Monsieur Applebaum to the said heer Resident, and received
by him in due time after the date, and was and is of the hand of the
Secretary of the said Monsieur Appleboom well known to this deponent
and firmed by Monsieur Applebaum himselfe. And ?this the said second
letter or schedule was alsoe sent from the persons thereunto subscribed
to the said Resident touching the said shipp the Liesda, and by him duely
received before the seizure of the said shipp, and the said persons subscribed
were and are Governours of Pomerania for the said King, And further
that the said heer Resident alsoe received the third schedule as cominge from the said
Martin and Joachim Duncker, and that the same was by him received in
or about September last, and was by this deponent by his order [?prXXX]
to be Registred in this Court, and saith then the same was and is a true
copie of the originall which the Master had aboard as the time of seizure
from the said Martin and Joachim Duncker, and received the
fifth schedule from the [?Regents] arlate mentioned in the tenth article,
and for the times and places of the dates hee refereth himselfe to
the said schedules themselves, and that the persons and shipp are
the same mentioned in the sute Et alr nescit

Ad 11um deponit hee hath knowne the said Joachim Duncker
about twelve yeares and so long since was acquainted
and lodged and dieted in the same house wth him in the Universitie of Tubingen
in Germany, for about two yeares together, and there hee was accompted
a Stralsunder videlicet a native of Stralsund in Pomerania in the
dominion of the Kinge of Sweden, and he and his said [?brother?s] are
accompted Burgers of Stralsund and subiects of the said King, alr nescit

Ad 12 hee the said master was and is alsoe accompted a Stralsunder, and
subiect of the said King, and referrs himselfe to the sai schedule, alr ?aforesd

[?XXXX ?XXXX] [His signature]

9. [?XXXX] [?causa] ad InterXXX] infra.