HCA 13/72 f.581r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.581r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


[?Rotans] some jarrs of greene ginger, some arack and a quantity of
Tobacco of the value of about five pounds. And the deponent further
saith, That forasmuch as he this examinate was steward of the said shipp
the fredericke at the time of her coming out of Bantam roade towarde
Europe, hee well knoweth that the said shipps Provisions then
on board her were sufficient for 30 men for 12 or 14 moneths
and did consist in and of seaventeene hogsheads of beefe and porke
three hogsheads and one punchion of pease, three hogsheads of flower
three hogsheads of oatemeale, fower hogsheads of stockfishe, seaven hundred
weight of biskett, two Tunns of Arack, six hogsheads of Cider, and
Tunn and a half of rice, Ten firkins of butter, besides other fresh
provisions, and two Quarter caske of sacke, and a quarter caske of
Arack, five hundred weight of doll, All which goods wares and
provisions were in and on board the said shipp Frederick at the time
of such her setting saile from Bantam roade bound as aforesaid, as
this deponent well and assuredly knoweth for the reasons before expressed
And further to this Interrogatorie he saieth he cannot depose

To the 22th Interrie he saieth, That during such time, at the said
shipp the frederick remained in Bantam Roade at aforesaid taking
in her said lading, the deponent and the said shipps companie saw and
observed, that severall vessels and boates with goods and Merchandise
and fisher botes did daily in great number passe to and from
Bantam with out any molestation or hindrance by the said Dutch
fleet or any of them soe pretending to beleaguer the said Citie, And
further to this Interrie he deposeth not.

To the 23th and 24th Interrogatories hee saieth, That hee this deponent well knoweth, and
was an Eyewittness of the horrible and violent seizure of the said shipp the Frederick
and all her said lading and provisions at such her coming out of Bantam
roade, by the said Dutch shipps being in the immediate service of the said
Dutch East India Companie, (as their Officer and Companies declared them to
be) and that the same were by the said Dutch shipps carried to
Batavia, where the said shipp andher said lading were confiscated
and the said Captaine Stanton and Companie were there deprived of
the posessions of the same, and the said Captaine and Mr. Robert
Skinner were there imprisoned, to [witt] the said Mr. Skinner from the
said 20th of August or thereabouts until the Dutch fleet sett from
Batavia towards Europe in December following, and the said Captaine
Stanton from the time of the said seizure until such the departure of
the said Dutch fleet, as this deponent well knoweth for that he was sewall
times in the prison with them, and did come along with them in the
same Dutch shipp from Batavia towards Europe; And this deponent
further saieth and deposeth that the manner of the seizure and
(taking of