HCA 13/70 f.562v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.562v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


On the sixteenth of January 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]


Andrew Harris of Sandwich in Kent Mariner
where he was borne, aged about 32 yeares, a wittnes
produced and sworne and being examined deposeth as

To the first article of the Libell he deposeth and saith that he
the deponent hath knowne the producent John Grannt arlate
for some yeares last past, before such time as he was Master
of the arlate shipp the Dolphin, and he alsoe saith that he was
and still is a part Owner of the sayd shipp, By reason
whereof he very well knoweth that the sayd John Grannt was
in the moneths arlate an Owner of an eighth part of the said
shipp and alsoe of an 8th paart of her lading of coales, and that
he the sayd Grannt was for and during the time arlate Master
and Governour of the said shipp, and was putt into the
Mastershipp of her by the unanimous consent of all the Owners
of her, which sayd shipp as he hath predeposed, first putt
a stock of money into his the sayd Grannts hands for a voyage
to ffrance, and he being returned that voyage, they
putt another stock into his hands for the voyage to Newcastle
And further he cannot depose.

To the second and third articles he deposeth and saith that when
the arlate John Grannt the producent went from Sandwich towards Newcastle he
received orders from his Owners to returne thither to Sandwich
with his lading of coales to receive then further orders whether
he showld unlade there or goe to some other port or place,
where the markett was better, and that in pursuance of such
order he the sayd Grannt did in or about the moneth of May
1654 bring the said shipp to an anchor at Ramsgate Road in the Downes
and the sayd Grannt did come ashoare at Sandwich, where
he the said Grant was arrested without the knowledge of
him this deponent who owned a 16th part of the said shipp
and alsoe without the knowledge of the maior part of the
rest of the part owners of her, And he saith that he
the deponent saw the arlate Mathew Pindar sayle the sayd
shipp into Sandwich haven, and that since he the sayd Pindar
hath made many voyages in her of this deponents knowledge. The
premisses he deposeth because he was during all the time libellate
a part Owner of the sayd shipp And further he cannot depose.

To the fourth article he deposeth that he the deponent was one
of the sayd Grannts Bayle, and that upon his the sayd Grants
being released of his imprisonment he obteyned (of this
deponents knowledge) a decree by the Vice Admiralty Court of Dover
to be putt into the possession of the sayd shipp And further
he cannot depose

To the fifth he deposeth that the shipps Lading of
Coales was worth in this deponents iudgement fourscore pounds
and that the said John Grannt the producent had an eighth
part therof, which the said Pindar hath converted to his