HCA 13/70 f.540v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 540 |
Side | Verso |
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Status | |
Uploaded image; transcribed on 12/12/2014 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_0694.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Rachel Carter | |
First transcribed | |
2014/12/12 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 17/12/2014 by Jill Wilcox |
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The sayd John Michell upon the arlate allegation
bearing date the 10th day of October 1655 /
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee well knoweth that
ever since hee this deponent came to be a tennant to the grounds in question
(which hath bin for these 42 yeares last past) the tennants ffishermen of
the mannor and hundred of ffeversham have soe often as neede required
stored the grounds in question with oysters which they
bought in Essex and other places and layed in the grounds in question
and therein bestowed
sometymes thirty pounds a yeare, somtymes forty pounds a yeare and somtymes
twenty pounds a yeare and somtymes lesse as the grounds required, this
he knoweth having paid his part thereof as a tennant to the sayd grounds
and saith hee never knew any but the tennants ffishermen of the sayd mannor
and hundred of ffeversham pay anything towards the storeing the sayd grounds
with oysters, or store any of them, And saith by common fame and report in
ffeversham and other places adiacent hee hath heard that the ffishermen tennants
of the sayd Lordshipp and hundred of ffaversham and noe other have stored the
sayd grounds with oysters from tyme to tyme beyond the memory of men now living and hee know but they had any
right to fish in the sayd grounds either for oysters or any manner of fish
nor have at any tyme fished there but as trespassers, and further
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot to the article depose/
To the 2 article hee saith that for and by reason of this tennancie as aforesayd
hee well knoweth that for these twenty yeares last past or thereabouts
the tennants ffishermen of the mannor and hundred of ffeversham have
yearely from Lammas till about a moneth after Michaelmas watched
or payed for the watcheing of the grounds in question, and therein [expect GUTTER]
yearely, during the tyme of such watcheing, thirty or forty shillings a
weeke, this hee knoweth having sometymes watched himselfe and at other
tymes paid his part as a tennant for doeing the same, And knoweth XX GUTTER
noe other but the ffishermen tennants of the sayd mannor and hundred of
ffeversham have during the sayd tyme paid anything towards the
watching of, or watched the sayd grounds, nor beleeveth that any but
they had at any tyme any right to fish for any manner of fish in the
sayd grounds and further saving his foregoeing deposition hee
cannot depose
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie in this cause
uncompelled at the request of the producents and saith hee being a tennant
beareth his part of his owne charges and of other the charges in this? GUTTER
suite for the prosecuting thereof, and is a fisherman of ffeversham and useth GUTTER
to fish in the places interrogate, and would give the victorie in this cause
to whome of right it belongeth, and saith if the ffeversham men prevaile
in this