HCA 13/70 f.251r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 251 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/27 |
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On the 29th of January 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]
Dell against kilvert and}
Company ffrancklin Smith}
Upon the Libell./
ffrancklyn dt.
Robert Herrington of Wapping in the parish of
Stepney in the County of Middlesex Mariner, where he
hath lived about 20ty yeares, aged about 36 yeares
borne at Southhold in the County of Suffolke a
wittnes produced, sworne and examined he deposeth and
saith as followeth.
To the first article of the sayd Libell given and and admitted
on the part and behalfe of the sayd Dell he deposeth and saith
That he hath knowne the shipp the Johns Adventure
arlate ever since she was built, which was about 4 or 5
yeares since (as he best remembreth) in New England, for
that he this deponent did belong unto her as Bosen of her
at the Rigging of her, and that during the time arlate videlicet in the yeares 1651 and 1652 he this
deponent did belong unto her the said shipp, and that therby doth
well know that in the sayd yeares 1650 1651 and 1652
the arlate Roger kilvert and Company were the Owners
of the sayd shipp the Johns Adventure, and for such
commonly accompted, reputed and taken, And further he
cannot depose.
To the 2d article he deposeth and saith That of his this deponents
certaine knowledge the arlate Richard Thurstone was Master
and Commander of the arlate shipp the Johns Adventure
in the months of June and July 1651 and alsoe in the monthes
of May June and July 1652, and that the sayd Thurston
was putt in Master or Commander of her by the arlate kilvert
and Company the Owners of her, The premisses he
knoweth (being on board her all the said time and being
Bozen of her in the yeare 1651 and Gunner of her
In the yeare 1652 And further he cannot depose.
To the 3d article he deposeth and saith That he very well knoweth
(being one of the arlate shipp the Johns Adventure her Company)
that she sett out In the yeare 1651 arlate from this Port
of London on a voyage to New England, and returned againe
to this Port, and that she alsoe went from this Port of
London In the yeare 1652 on another voyage to New England and returned
alsoe in the same yeare to this Port of London, and that
the sayd shipp was imployed both the sayd voyages by the
arlate kilvert and Company, and that the arlate
Thurstone was Master or Commander of her in both the
sayd voyages And further he cannot depose.
To the fourth article of the sayd Libell and to the schedules therin
mentioned he deposeth and saith that he this deponent was
Bozen of the arlate shipp the Johns Adventure in the yeare 1651
and that he very well knoweth that in the months arlate all the particulars mentioned
in the first schedule were truly delivered on board the said
shipp for her use before she went or could goe on her
voyage for that yeare by Mr Dell arlate The which he knoweth for that he being
at that time (as is predeposed) Bozen of the sayd shipp he
was commanded by the arlate Thurstone the Master of her to take