HCA 13/70 f.127v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.127v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And he saith, that the sayd shipp tooke in her present lading, being salt
and noe other goods att Brouage in ffrance, where the same was
putt on board by a merchant, whose name he remembreth not
being a ffrenchman living in Rochel, and a factor for the merchants
of the Grand party in ffrance, to be transported to havre
de Grace in ffrance, and there delivered to another french
merchant a factor for the sayd Grand party, for the use and
accompt of the sayd Grand party, who are all subiects of the
King of ffrance as hee beleiveth; and the sayd shipps last
came from Brouage and was bound to haver de Grace
and thither would have gone had she not bene seized. And
saith that att the tyme of seizure, there was on board him a
Sea breife. which is still in his Custody, and a ffrench
Charter party for the deliverey of the sayd salt att havre de Grace
and this deponent delivered the sayd Charter party to the Commissioner for
Prize goods at Portsmouth. And lastly saith, that his foresayd
Owners did constitute this deponent master of the sayd vessell,
in the moneth of Aprill last and they gave this deponent Order
for the sayling of the shipp in generall, and by word of mouth
and that he had not any particular instructions for this voyage
And saith his lading att the tyme of seizure did conteyne
sixty five lasts of salt (three lasts whereof are since taken
out by the Company of the Man of Warr that made the
seizure) for which he was to receyve freight att havre
de Grace of and from the merchant factor (his name he knoweth
not) to whom the sayd salt was consigned, after the rate of
five and thirty guilders per last. And otherwise he
saith he cannot depose.

To the 6 and 7th he saith his sayd vessell has four gunnes, and
about fifty pounds powder, with match and other ammunition
four Cables, three great anchors, and one small anchor
one shute of sayles: and some sayles double, besides
ropes and necessary tackle and furniture: and sufficent
provision of victualls for two monethes for the shipps Company
being nine Eaters. And saith he had neyther gold sylver
Jewells or any other goods besides salt laden on board her
And further cannot depose.

To the 8. 9. and 10th. he saith that saving his foregeoing deposition
he cannot otherwise then negatively depose.
