HCA 13/68 f.333r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 333 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed 15/03/2018 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0223.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Celine Romano | |
First transcribed | |
2018/03/15 |
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of [Coronee] and there take in the sayd oyles that he the sayd George
Ffarrington would and did accordingly to the summe or value of twelve
thousand pounds sterling undertake to secure the sayd shipp and
Companie in going thither and there taking in the sayd oyles
and allso the sayd shipp this deponent his shipps Company and oyles
until their returne back againe to Zant; and in case the sayd
shipp and company or any of them or the sayd oyles or any part
thereof perished or miscarried in such their goeing to or
returning from [Corona] then he the sayd George Harrington
would pay and satisfy the s[ay]d damage so far as 12 thousand pound
sterling extended or to [the] same effect, And saith that he the s[ay]d Ffarrington
did then further undertake that the oyles so to be taken in att [Coronae]
should be as good and merchantable as those covenanted to be laden
att Petras would or should have bene or to the like effect. And further
that the sayd contract for the better evidence of the truth and certainty
thereof was drawne upp in writing in the presence of this deponent
and his [precontest] Thomas Broome and others some whereof are since
dead being slayne in the fight hereafter mentioned. And saith that
this deponent upon the sayd Agreement and security so given
and made by the sayd Ffarrington and not otherwise did adventure
upon and undertake the sayd voyage and imployment to [Coronae] aforsayd.
And otherwise cannot depose./
To the tenth article of the sayd [allegation] This deponent saith that after such
tyme as the sayd George Ffarrington had promised and contracted
as aforsayd for security of the sayd shipp and company and oyles
he the deponent sett sayle with his ship from Zant to Corona or Cronee and there
safely arrived, and after her Arrivall there, did there take on board
her about one thousand sixty three salmes and a halfe being
one hundred ninety seven tonnes of oyles. And saith the same were laden
for the proper use and Accompt of the sayd Richard Hill, John
[Hallett], John Gregory and Company to be brought and transported
in the sayd shipp from [Coronae] to Zant and so to London and there
to be delivered to them or their agents for their use and accompt
by him this deponent who receyved the sayd oyles aboard for the Accompt
aforsayd. And otherwise cannot depose./
To the eleventh article of the said allegation This deponent saith that presently
upon the lading and putting the sayd oyles on board the sayd shipp the
Agreement as aforsayd the sayd shipp Agreement did depart and sett sayle
therewith directly towards Zant from [Corona] aforsayd, and in her course
and direct way for Zant was mett with by five pyratts shipps of
Tripoly manned with [Mahamadans] and Renegades and after three
howres fight with them was with her sayd oyles blowne upp and
perished in the seas, and some of the sayd shipps company were slayne
in fight, And this deponent and the rest that remained alive were taken
prisoners by the sayd pyratts and carried to Tripoly and there made
slaves and continued many moneths in great misery [videlicet] this deponent
himself for 14 moneths and upwards, and some of the shipp’s
company, [videlicet] ten or thereabouts from the tyme of the loss of
their sayd shipp which was about the 28th day of March 1652 to
this present tyme, and are like still there to remaine, in great slavery
And otherwise cannot depose./ To