HCA 13/63 f.138r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.138r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




6th Mai 1650./ [CENTRE HEADING]

Ex parte Capitanes Ellison pred.}


John Kennett of the parishe of Saint Martin
Ironmonger lane London gentleman late Purser of
the ship the Pearcy of London aged 32. yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined as
aforesaid saith by vertue of his Oath as
followeth videlicet.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that after
the said ship the Pearcy was taken and brought into
the harbour at Talloone hee this deponent did heare
the interrogated William Avery and John Dyet, together with
all others of the wounded men who were left
abord the said ship after shee was taken by the ffrench
very much aaaplaud and Commend the valour and
stout behaviour of the producent Captaine Ellison
dureing the fight betwixt him and the ffrench And
saith hee did particularly hear the said Avery say that
the said Ellisons Gallant behaviour was such therein that
hee for his part would willingly adventure his blood
with him upon such another occasion. and that hee
did what possiblye hee could for the preservation and
defence of the said ship and her lading from the enemye
And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose./