HCA 13/69 Silver 9 f.1r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/69 Silver 9 |
Folio | 1 |
Side | Recto |
Status | |
Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/07/2015 | |
Note | |
IMAGE: IMG_118_07_2817.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet |
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Silver 9.
The nineteenth of September 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of Dominick Marten Merchant of}
[?XXX] in Ireland for his money and plate}
[?in] the shipp the Sampson (whereof Otto}
George was and is master) and in the shipp}
the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is master and in}
the Saint George (whereof John Marten dorp}
is master, taken by some of the shippes of}
[?the] State and Commonwealth of England}
Bud ffrancklin}
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of
the sayd Dominick Martin
Thomas Marten of Galloway in
Ireland merchant aged six and twenty
yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
examined deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet
To the first article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith and deposeth
that the arlate Dominick Marten this deponents father is a Native of
Galloway in Ireland and there hath his wife Children howse and
family and hath lived all his tyme and is a subiect of the Commonwealth
of England and hath bene and is well affected to the Government thereof,
abd hath, as this deponent hath credibly heard and verily beleiveth, taken
the Ingagement as is arlate. And further he cannot depose.
To the second article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith that in the monethes
of August September October and November 1652 and for some tyme
before and since the sayd Dominick Marten hath by him this deponent as
his factor and Agent driven a constant trade in way of merchandizing from
Galloway and other parts in Ireland to Cadiz in Spaine for money and
plate for his owne use and accompt, which this deponent knoweth being
his factor as aforesayd. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith, that in the moneth of
October 1652 and about the beginning thereof the aforesayd Dominick Marten
by him this deponent as his factor did cause to be laden aboard the arlate
shipp the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh was and is master
lyeing then in the bay of Cadiz the two barrs of sylver arlate marked as in the
margent, one of them no. 109. weighing fifty six markes
two ounces and a halfe of fine sylver. And on board the sayd shipp the
Sampson Otto George Master att Cadiz aforesayd the arlate two baggs of moneyes
of the marke in the margent conteyning no. 1. four hundred peices of eight
and no. 2. conteyning six hundred peices of 8/8 Sevill and Mexico Coyne
And on board the sayd shipp Saint George John Martinsdorp Master, att Cadiz aforesayd
the arlate two barrs of sylver marked as in the margent, one no. 104
weighing fifty markes five ounces and an halfe, and the other no. 103.
weighing fifty markes five ounces and an halfe, and one bagg of moneyes
coyne of Mexic conteyning one hundred and seventeene peeces of eight
severally for the Accompt and Adventure of the sayd Dominick Marten
to be in the sayd shippps Salvador Sampson and Saint George severally carryed
and transported to Ostend from Cadiz afresayd, all consigned to the sayd
Dominick Marten and to be delivered to himselfe or his Agenmts there
for his sole use and Accompt. And saith that the sayd Dominick Mart[?i]n att the
tyme of lading the sayd moneyes plate and sylver and before and continually
since was hath bene and now is the true sole and lawfull Owner of all
and singular the sayd plate sylver and moneyes laden aboard the sayd shipps
respectively as aforesayd, and for and as such was and is commonly [?XXXX]
accounted reputed and taken. The premisses this deponent beleeveth [?XXXX]