MRP: C10/99/64 f. 1

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C10/99/64 f. 1

The transcription is largely complete, but needs to be checked


The abstract needs to be written


//Jurat 21.o ffebruary//
//To: ?Wolnick//

//The sewall answers of Jarvis Cartwright[1] of London XXXX one of the def:ts to the bill of Compl:tt of the Governors & Company of//
//merchants of London trading to the East Indies Complayn:ts//

//All advantages of excepcon to the manifold incertainties and insufficiencies of the said Comptts said bill of Comptt both now and at all times hereafter saved & referred unto this def:t//

//for answere unto soe much thereof as this def:t is advised is materiall for him this def:t to make answere unto saith hee beleweth the Comptts did about the time in the bill of Comptt for//

//that purpose mencconed take to fraight of Thomas Tomlins in the said bill of comptt menconed for another def:t & others partowners of the shipp called the East India//

//XXXX & of W:m Porter[2] of London XXXXXXX & m:r of the said shipp the same shipp for a voyage to bee made w:th her to the East Indies But what agreem:t they the said//

//partowners did make to & wth the Comptts their successors & assignes concerning the lading the said shipp at any port or place in the East Indies or else where this//

//def:t doth not know hee not being ?privy thereto but doth beleive there was some agreem:t made between them thereabouts And this def:t doth deny hee did at any time//

//become a factor to the Comptts or any of them or that hee did looke to them or any of them to bee pursor of the said shipp or that hee this def:t did make any XXXX//

//??prmisses or agreem:ts in the sd Comptts said bill expressed XXXXX was this def:t entertained by the Comptts as by their bill they have alledged But this def:t was//

//entertained by thother def:ts & ?rest of the owners of the said shipp in the said imployment of being purser thereof And this def:t further saith that next XXXX not XXXXX//

//the East Indies or else where any men or man besides one Clarke boy w:ch was this def:t XXXXX whom this def:t brought back againe & who was reckoned as one of the//

//shipps company because hee did serve in genall in the shipp together wth five passengers sent by the Comptts, one minister & one w:m Heath who did likewise some duties in//

//the said ship during the voyage nor did the def:t trade wth or make use of the said shipp or more therein other than what was lawfull & customary for the purser of a shipp to//

//doe nor did this def:t make use or trade w:th any of the Comptts monies yet this def:t doth acknowledge that hee did bring home from the East Indies the ptiuclar goods//

//hereafter menconned (that is to say) Two thousand & five hundred peeces of callicoes or thereabouts as this def:t beleeveth the same to bee having seen only part of XXX//

//part whereof this def:t bought of William Johnson William Jersey & Ambrose Salisberry & other part this def:t did buy of the native indigents (sic) and//

//Inhabitants the Indies & that XXXXX was soe bought upon his owne accomt (except as here afterwards XXXXX) & this def:t further saith that the reason why this def:t did buy the same was//

//because hee ??could not get any other comodities there to invest his this defd:ts monies in Inregard there was there warrs XXX bay of Bengalla and further the XXXX//

//saith hee had a stocke of about three thousand two hundred pounds to imploy for the own:rs w:ch this defd:t did lay out in sewall comodities in the Indies as this XXXX//

//supposeth XXXX favors of this hono:ble Court was lawfull for him soe to doe & did in this Kingdome Of England (and the same callico as aforemencconed upon his own acco:t//

//except Twentie five peeces of callicoes w:ch were landed for acc:t of thethen defd:t W:m Porter & forty six peeces & halfe a peece for the account of m:r ffrancis Johnson But denieth hee//

//did trade from port to port in the Indies or that hee did make any agreem:t w:th the Comptts or any of them to the Contrary nor did hee make any agreem:t w:th//

//the Comptts that if they would intrust him that hee would not either directly or indirectly by himselfe or others XXXXX any private trade in the east Indies but had//

//only for the Comptts nor was this defd:t phibited or obliged by the comptts or any other persons whatsoever from bringing the aforesd callicoes herein before menconned brought//

//from the Indies by him this defd:t into England before ptXXXXXXXXX as aforesd & for w:ch this defd:t paid his majesties customes due for the same And this defd:t doth not know//

//that any of the shipps company were left in the Indies besides the two passengers sent as aforesd & fower marriners who run away at Ballasore in India And this defd:t doth//

//likewise deny that hee did drive any private trade other than as before is set forth And further this defd:t beleiveth that thother defd:t porter did bring home in the sd shipp//

//from India a considerable quantity of callicoes but the certaine number quality & value thereof this defd:t doth not iustly know hee not haveing seen the same & that the//

//same were landed at Plymouth or some other port in England And this defd:t doth deny hee knoweth of any damage That hath happened to the Comptts by the bringing of//

//the aforesaid goods into England upon the private trade as aforesd by any persons whatsoever And alsoe doth deny all & all manner of confederacy & combinacon//

//charged upon him by the comptts in their said bill of comptt w:thout that that any other matter or thing in the said bill of comptt contained materiall or effectuall//

//by law for this defd:t to answere unto & not herein & hereby confessed or avoyded traversed or denyed or otherwise well & sufficiently answered unto XX XXXX to the//

//knowledge of this defd:t All w:ch matters in this behalfe most wrongfully sustained//

//XXXXX [illegible signature, bottom RH side]


See C10/99/68 f. 1

A Jarvis Cartwright was one of original grantees of the Charter of Incorporation of the New Royal African Company, 1672.[3]

Possible primary sources

PROB 11/323 Carr 1-58 Will of William Porter, Mariner of All Hallows Barking, City of London 13 March 1667
PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of Jarvis Cartwright, Merchant of London 13 January 1674

  1. Possibly PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of Jarvis Cartwright, Merchant of London 13 January 1674
  2. Just possibly PROB 11/323 Carr 1-58 Will of William Porter, Mariner of All Hallows Barking, City of London 13 March 1667
  3. W. Noel Sainsbury (ed.), Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies, vol. 7: 1669-1674 (London, 1889), pp. 404-417