MRP: Nathan Wright will
Nathan Wright will
Editorial history
29/11/11, CSG: Created page and posted completed transcription
Abstract & context
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The fiveth day of ffebruarie In the yeare of our Lord God according to the Computation of the Church of England One Thousand Six hundred ffiftie and Seaven I Nathan Wright of the parish of Saint Olave Hartstreete in the Cittie of
LONDON Esq:r being att this present sick and weake in Bodie but of good and perfect minde and memorie (thankes be therefore given to Almightie God doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)
IMPRIMIS and before all Earthlie things I commend my Soule into the hands of Almightie God my heavenly ffather trusting and confidently beleiving by the merritts death oassion and glorious ascention of his deare sonne and my alone and all sufficient Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to be saved and to have full and free remission and forgiveness of all my sinns and iniquities and by noe other wayes or meanes whatsoever, And my Bodie I committ to the Earth from whence it came to be decentlie interred and buried in the chancell of the parish church of Cranham in the countie of Essex in such decent and Christianlike manner as to my executors hereunder named shall be thought most convenient But for theire beter direction it is my minde and desire that they shall bestowe noe superfluous or extraordinarie charges thereupon
ITEM I give and bequeath to Ann my well beloved Wife according to the custome of England for and in Lieu of her dower out f my reall Estate One Third part of all my Mannors Messuages Lands and Tenements with theire Appurtenances wheresoever they lye within the Commonwealth of England for and during the Tearme of her naturall life Soe that my said Wife or her assignes make noe waste or spoyle thereuppon or upon anie part or parcell thereof: And it is my will minde and true meaning (that the said Anne my Wife shall (if she shall soe please) have hold , occupie possesse and inioy for and during the tearme of her naturall life in part of her sais Dower my Mannorhouse Commonly called ?Cremhorn Hall in the said Countie of Essex with all my Lands Meadowes pastures ffarmes Tenements and all other the Appurtenances to my said house and Mannor belonging or in anie wise appertaining for and in Lieu of the value thereof out of some others of my said Mannors Messuages Lands and Tenements as it shall be indifferentlie rated and valued: And further it is my mynde and true meaning that the said Anne my Wife and her assignes for and during the tearme of her naturall life shall have the ffree use of all my plate and householdstuffe remaining and being in and about my said Mannor house and in my dwelling house in London
ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto my well beloved Sonne Benjamin Wright and to his heires and assignes for ever All my said Mannors Lands and Tenements with theire and everie of theire Appurtenances Two Thirds parts whereof presently after my decease, and the other Third part thereof after the death of the said Anne my Wife Togeather alsoe from and after the death of my said Wife withall my said plate and householdstuffe remaining in and about my said House in London
ITEM as concerning my goods Chattells Debts and other my personall Estate which God of his infinite mercie and goodnes hathe endowed mee withall I devide the same into three equall parts and portions according to the laudable Custome of the Cittie of London And whereas I have marryed three of my daughters (videlict) my daughter Susan ffirst unto Charles Potts Esquire deceased and since unto ffrancis Drake Esquire, my daughter Mary unto Robert Burdett of London Esq:r and my daughter Alice unto John ??Wolfrie of London Merchant with whome nad with every of them I have fiven competent portions and I have severall discharges for the same under hand and seale
BUT to my daughter Susan in reagrd She is my eldest and first borne child I have given a larger portion Than to my other Daughters. And I am advised that I am not obliged either by Lawe or by the Custome of the Cittie of London to make anie further augmentation thereunto but that I am att Libertie and have power in my selfe to give my said Estate to my Wife and to my other Children not yett advanced Wherefore I proceed to dispose of my said Estate as followeth
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the said Anne my well beloved Wife One Third part of my said personall Estate hopeing that hse will be very Kind loving and Tenderly affected towards my children and lett them inioy the benefitt and partake of her said part and portion, One other Third part of my said personall Estate I givea nd bequeath to be equally devided betweene my other three children unadvanced, namelie Benjamin Wright ffrances Wright and Jane Wright part and part like And the other part thereof I keepe and reserve to my selfe to pay such Legacies and bequests as I shall give and bequeath to anie person or persons whatsoever
ITEM out of my intire love and affection unto my said daughter Susan Drake wife of the said ffrances Drake and for and addition into her said portion I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Susan Drake the Summe of Two Thousand pounds of lawfull monie of England, hopeing and desiring my said Sonne ffrancis Drake and my said Daughter his Wife that the children begotten or to begotten by him of the bods of my said Daughter may partake of all or the most part of the said Two Thousand pounds
ITEM out of th elike love and affection which I doe beare unto my said Daughter Mary Burdett Wife of the said Robert Burdett and for an addition into her foresaid portion I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Mary Burdett the like Summe of Two Thousand pounds of like lawfull monie of England part wherof to be paid unto her by her said husband out of the debtes w;ch he doeith or will owe mee by bond and uppon Accompts and the rest by my Executors hereunder named
ITEM out of the like love and affection which I doe beare unto my said daughter Alice Wolfris Wife of the said John Wolfris and for and assition unto her foresaid portion I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Alice Wolfris the like Summe of Two Thousand pounds of like monie part whereof to be paid unto her by her said husband out of the debts which he doeth or will owe mee upon Accompts and the rest by my Executors hereunder named
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Grandchildren and Godsonnes Nathan Drake and Nathan Burdett the summe of Threescore pounds a peece of lawfull monie of England to be paid nto them severallie att theire severall ages of one and Twentie yeares
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Susanna Potts the Summe of Twentie pounds of lawfull monie of England to be paid unto her forth with after my decease to buy her a ring in remembrance of my love
ITEM I give and bequeath unto all the rest of my Grandchildren that are now liveing the summe of ffiftie pounds a peece of lawfull monie of England The male to be paid att theire severall ages of one and Twentie yeares and the demales to be paid att theire severall ages of one and twentie yeares or severall dayes of marriage which shall first and next happen
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Ann Wolfris the summe of ffiftie pounds more of like lawfull monie of England to be paid unto her att her full age of one and Twentie yeares or dayes of marriage which shall first and next happen
ITEM it is my true intent and meaning That if anie of my said Grandchildren shall happen to die or decease before the receipt of theire said legacies That then the Legacie of him
OR her so deceased shall remaine and come unto my Sonn Beniamin Wright above named
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my two Sisters Martha Barradell and Jane Joslin the Summe of Twentie pounds a peece of lawfull monie of England as a remembrance of my Love (if they be liveing) att the time of my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Cozin John Tysons Wife the Summe of Three pounds of like monie
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my anncient and faythfull Servant John Oliver the Summe of Twentie pounds of lawfull monie of England And I doe hereby require and charge my heire and Executors that they see not my said Servant to want during his life but that they from tyme to tyme will supplie his necessities
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of saint Olvave hartstreete where I now dwell the Summe of twentie pounds of lawfull monie of England to be distributed by and att the discretion of the Minister and Churchwardens of the same parish for the time being
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Master, wardens and Comminaltie of the Companie of Skinners London whereof I am a free member the Summe of One hundred pounds of Lawfull monie of England to be by them from three yeares to three yeares for ever lent gratis to ffower young men ffree of the same Companie by five and Twentie pounds a peece for three yeares giveing good securitie unto the said Companie according to theire likeing for the repayment thereoff att three yeares end
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the said Master Wardens and Comminalitie of the said Companie of Skynners the summe of Thirteene pounds Six shillings eight pence of lawfull monie of England to buy a peece of plate for the same Companie in remembrance of mee
ITEM I give and bequeath to the poore of the parish of Cranham aforesaid the Summe of five pounds of like mony to be distributed among them by the Minister and Church Wardens of the same parish for the tyme being
ITEM I give and bequeath to Robert and Nathan The Two Sonnes of my brother Ezekiell Wright Clarke the Summe of Twentie pounds a peece of lawfull monie of England to be paid unto them severallie att theire severall ages of one and Twentie yeares (if they shall be then liveing
ITEM it is my will and minde that if anie of my Legatees shall be displeased with theire Legacies or shall make any disturbance in or against the probate of this my will That then and from thence forth the Legacie given to him her or them makeing such difference shall be void and of none effect
ITEM I doe nominate and appoynte my said three Sonnes in Lawe ffrancis Drake Robert Burdett and John Wolfris and my said Sonne Benjamin Wright ioynt Executors of this my last Will and Testament and because my said Sonn Benjamin is under age it is my will and pleasure that my said Three Sonns in Lawe shall take upon them the execution of this my will and to act therein in trust for the use and benefit of my said Sonn Benjamin during his minoritie and to resigne and make apointe unto him of the whole Estate when andas soone as he shall attaine to his full age of one and Twentie yeares or att any time after when he shall require the same And I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my said Sonn Benjamin Wright, after my debts legacies and funerall expences shall be paid and discharged all the rest and residue of my goods and Chattells whatsoever unbequeathed
ITEM I give and bequeath