MRP: Roger Tweedy will
Roger Tweedy will
PROB 11/250 Aylett 373-425 Will of Roger Tweedy of Stepney, Middlesex 12 October 1655
Editorial history
21/11/11, CSG: Added complete transcription
Abstract & context
Captain Roger Tweedy wrote his will in June 1653. He described himself as "of Mile End in the Parish of Stepney Esquire."
He had two son-in-laws, both mariner merchants. John Crowther, who had married Joane Tweedy, was likewise a resident of Mile End. William Ryder was married to Priscilla Tweedy and resided in Bethnal Green, roughly a mile and a half to the west of Mile End. Roger Tweedy named his two son-in-laws his joint executors.
Suggested links
See Sir William Ryder will (son-in-law of Roger Tweedy)
See John Crowther will (son-in-law of Roger Tweedy)
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the first day of June One Thousand six hundred fiftie three I Roger Tweedy of Mile End in the Parish of Stepney Esquire being att this present time in good Estate of health and in my sound and perfect Judgement and in remembrance for which I praise Almightie God and being now growne in age and Considering with my selfe the certaintie of death and the uncertaintie of the time place and manner thereof have thought it requisite to make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (That is to say) ffirst and principallie I doe Committ and Commend my Soule which is immortall and dyeth not with my Bodie into the hands of Almightie God that gave it me hopeing and stedfastly beleeving to obtaine the full and free pardon and Remission of all my sinnes and eternall life only by and through the most precious death and blood shedding of Jesus Chrsit my alone Saviour and Redeemer And as for my Bodie I Committ it to the Earth hopeing for a ioyfull resurrection
and as touching my worldlie goods and substance which it hath pleased my God to bestowe upon me and to make me his unworthie Steward of in this present life I doe order devise and dispose thereof as followeth
FFIRST I give and bequeath unto my Loveing Sister Mistris Jane ?Saltincell dwelling in Berwick upon Tweed the Summe of one hundred poundes of lawfull English money to be paid unto her within six moneths after my decease if she shall be then liveing to receive the same and twentie five poundes per Annum only during her naturall life and noe longer which I doe vallue in two hundred poundes Sterling money and if she shall be departed this life before that tyme my Will is That the said three hundred pounds shall be devided in manner and forme following, To say one hundred pounds to be paid unto my deare Grandchild Elizabeth Rider att her day of marriage or att Seaventeene yeares old and one hundred pounds sterling unto my deare Grandchild Tweedy Crowther att Seaventeen yeares old and the other one hundred pounds to the eldest child of George Milner deceased to be putt into the Chamber of London or some other safe place for the use of the said Child and the produce thereof to be allowed the said Child towards the bringing of him or her upp untill she be Eighteene yeares old or day of marriage and then to be paid unto he or her by my Executors
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Roger Milner the summe of one hundred pounds of Lawfull English money to be paid unto him within six months after my decease if he be liveing to receive the same and if he be deceased to his Child if it be alive and not otherwise (In the Thirteenth Lyne I give my Sister Twentie five pound p Annum the five poundes being interlined)
ITEM I give and bequeath unto ?Hana ?Ffosters daughter the summe of one hundred pounds of Lawfull English money to be paid unto her if Liveing within six months after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Sister Ellen Day Wife of Thomas Day the summe of Two hundred poundes of Lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within six months after my decease if she shall be then Liveing to receive the same but in Case she be departed this life before the said money grow due Then my Will is That the said Two hundred pounds shall be disposed in manner and forme following (To say) One hundred pounds to be paid unto my Grandchild Elizabeth Rider and the other hundred pounds to my Sisters husband Captain Thomas Day if he be liveing to receive the same But in case he doe departe this life before the said money growe due Then I doe give and bequeath the same hundred pounds unto my Grandchild Tweedy Crowther to be paid unto him att Eighteene yeares of Age
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Brother in Lawe
Captaine Thomas Day the summe of one hundred pounds of Lawfull English money to be paid unto him within six moneths after my decease if he be liveing to receive the same but if he shall departe this life before the same grew due Then my Will is That the said one hundred poundes shall be disposed of in manner and forme following (To say) ffiftie poundes to my Grandchild Elizabeth Rider and the other fiftie poundes to my Grandchild Tweedy Crowther
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said Sisters daughter Elizabeth Day the summe of one hundred and fiftie poundes of Lawfull money of England to be paid unto her att the day of her marriage or the age of eighteen yeares but if she be departed this life before the said money grow due Then I give the said one hundred and ffiftie poundes in manner and forme following To say ffiftie poundes to my Sister Mistris Elizabeth Day and ffiftie poundes to my Sister Mistris Jane ?dalton (OR, ?Galton) ??shale and fifty poundes unto the child of George Milner if it or they be liveing to receive the same
ITEM I give and bequeath to my Eldest daughter Priscilla Rider the summe of Twelve hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England to be imployed for her use and to be att her disposall to be paid unto her within twelve months after my decease and if she should departe this life before the said time (which God forbid) Then I give and bequeath the said summe of Twelve hundred poundes in manner and forme following (To say) ffower hundred poundes unto my sonne in Lawe Cap:t William Rider if liveing and eight hundred poundes to be devided equally amongst the Children begotten of my daughter but in case he be not liveing to rec: the same (which God forbid) Then I doe give and bequeath the said summe of Twelve hundred poundes to be devided equallie amongst the Children of my said daughter
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the children of my said daughter Mistris Priscilla Rider begotten of her bodie The Summe of Two Thousand five hundred poundes of Lawfull English money to be equally devided amongst them as well those that are not yet born att the date hereof as those that are ready borne to be paid unto each of them by my Executors The SonnS att the age of Twentie yeares and the daughters att the age of Eighteene or day of marriage
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mistris Joane Crowther the summe of One Thousand poundes of Lawfull money of England to be ymployed for her use and att her disposall to be paid unto her within twelve monthes after my decease And in case she should departe this life before said Time (which God forbid) Then I give and bequeath the saide summe of 2000:li in manner and forme following (To say) ffower hundred poundes unto my sonne in Law Cap:t John Crowther if liveing and the other six hundred poundes to be devided equallie amongst the children of my said daughter Mistris Joane Crowther but in case he be not liveing to rec: the same (which God forbid) Then I give and bequeath the said summe of one Thousand poundes of Lawfull English money to be devided equally amongst the children of my said daughter Mistris Joanne Crowther
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Chidlren of my said daughter Mistris Joane Crowther the summe of Two Thousand five hundred pounds of Lawfull English money to be equally devided amongst them as well those that are not yet borne att the daie thereof as those that are alsoe alreadie borne att the daie hereof to be paid unto them by my Executors The sonnes at Twentie yeares of age and the daughters att Eighteene yeares of Age or day of marriage which first shall happen Now for as much as we are all mortall in case my said daughters Children should die before their portions grow due My Will is that the portion
of the child That dyeth shall be devided equally amongst the Children that are liveing of that name and family begotten of either of my daughters and further my Will is That my two Sonns in Lawe Captain William Rider and Captain John Crowther have the manageing of my said Grandchildrens portions to be kept in theire hands untill they be of age to receave the same and to have halfe the proffitts thereof Provided they be accomptable unto my said Grandchildren and punctually pay unto them theire severall portions aforesaid with the one halfe of the proffitts that may or shall accrew thereof but in case either of my sonnes in Lawe or both should departe this life (which God forbid) before my s:d Childrens portions shoudl grow due Then I doe appoynt my daughter the Wife of the deceased to be in stead of her husband and to have as full power as ever her husband had in the disposeing of the said Estate
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Cousin Master John Mason the summe of Tenne poundes to be paid unto him within six months after my decease if Liveing to rec: the same More I give unto my Cousin Mistris Margaret Lord the summe of tenne poundes within six months after my decease if Liveing to rec: the same
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Kinsman Edward Tompson the summe of poundes Twentie if he be liveing to rec: the same
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Laurance Tompson now Liveing in Berwick the summe of Twentie poundes which he owes me
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Eldest sonne of Master George Dunscombe marchant deceased first imployed me as Master of the Shippe George the summe of Tenne poundes if he be liveing to receive the same And also I give and bequeath unto Master Edward Overing of London Marchant who was partner with the said George Dunscombe and likewise did imploy me first as Master of the said Shipp George the summe of Tenne poundes of lawfull English money to be paid unto him within fower moneths after my decease if liveing to receive the same but in Case the said Edward Overing should departe this life before this Legacie grow due Then I give unto the Eldest daughter of the said Master Edward Overing The said Tenne poundes In remembrance of the greate Love I ever bore to her ffather and ??Uncle Master George Dunscombe
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Sir George ?Strowd and Master Alderman Reynardson each of them Tenn pounds in remembrance of the Love they always bore unto me and in whose Service I gott parte of my Estate to be paid unto them within six monthes after my decease if Liveing to receave the same
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Mistris Joane Predy the summe of Tenn poundes to be paid unto her within fower months after my decease and to her sonne Roger Predy the summe of Tenne poundes to be paid in Twelve monthsafter my decease or att the age of Eighteene yeares if liveing to receave the same as my Executors shall soe Cause
ITEM I give unto Elizabeth Brathwaite for her Care and paines taken with me in divers greate sicknesses the summe of Twenty poundes and to her sonne Thomas Walker The Summe of Tenn poundes to be paid unto her within Two months after my decease if Liveing to receave the same
ITEM I give unto Elizabeth ?Penner the summe of five pounds if liveing to rec: the same
ITEM I give unto whome soever shall happen to be my hired Servants att the Time of my death man or Wooman the Summe of Tenne poundes with mourning to be paid in six months and to be retained in service untill the same Legacie be paid
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of
That Parish where I depart this life if it chance to be where I have not given already in this Will the summe of Tenne poundes to be paid unto the Church Wardens to be distributed amongst the poore of the Parish
ITEM I give and bequeath unto and for the use of the Parish of Rotherheath or Radcliffe in honor of God and for his sake soe much money Lawfull English money as shall purchase Lands or Tenements of the Cleare yearly value of five pounds and fower shillings per Annum to be invested in bread to be distributed every Sunday throughout the whole yeare two shillings worth and to be distributed by the Church wardens (after the Sermon or prayer is ended) amongst the poorest Seamen and Seamens’ Widdowes of That Towne, And that the Minister Church Wardens and the whole Vestrie with the Collectors for the poore from time to time by ffeoffees in trust to take Care That the said bread be given every Sabbath day to Twelve poore people as aforesaid that shall deserve most Compassion my Executors takeing securitie of the said ffeoffees for the time being That the said five poundes and fower shillings per Annum be imployed to the use aforesaid and noe other waies and that my Childrens Children from age to age make enquirie once evereie yeare whether the said five poundes and fower shillings be distributed according to this my last Will and Testament and findeing it either to ??Cease or otherwise imployed That then my Will is That the said five poundes fower shillings shall come into the hands of Two of the nearest of my blood to be distributed to them according to this my Will and Testament
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Towne of Berwick upon Tweed To and for the use of that Parish in honor of God and for his sake soe much monie in Lawfull English monie as shall purchase Lands or tenements for ever of the cleare yearely vallue of five pounds fower shillings (To say) Two shillings every Lords day throughout the whole yeare to be invested in bread and to be distributed amongst Twelve of the poorest People of the same Towne in the Church after morning Sermon ended by the Care and good discretion of the Church Wardens or overseers of the poore of the same Parish for the Time being And that the Minister Church Wardens with the whole Vestrie and Overseers for the poore from time to time be ffeoffees in trust to see the same persones accordingly They giveing securities to my Executors That the Rent of the Lands or tenements be imployed for noe other use Than aforesaid And that my childrens’ Children from age to age make inquirie either by them selves or theire Assignes once everie yeare whether the saidf five poundes fower shillings be distributed be distributed according to this my last Will and Testament and findeing it either to Cease or misimployed That Then my Will is That the said five pounds fower shillings shall come into the hands of two of the nearest of my blood to be by them distributed according to this my last Will and Testament
ITEM I give and bequeath the summe of fortie poundes of Lawfull English money for and towards the new erecting and building of a Church in the Towne of Berwick aforesaid for the Worshipp of my most sacred Lord God which I will shall be paid in manner and forme following (videlict) Tenne poundes thereof when the same Church shall be raised Twelve ffoot high above the ground and Tenne poundes when the same church shall be halfe built and Twentie poundes when it shall be whole Covered on the Roofe or Topp thereof Provided alwaies and this Legacieis with and upon the Condition That the same Church shall be built within Seaven yeares next after my decease otherwise This Guift or Legacie shall be void
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Threescore poore Seamen of the Parish of Radcliffe & Stepney
Threescore Gownes to accompany my Corpse to Church with theire said Gownes for the providing of which I give fortie poundes if the said monie will buy more I leave it to the discretion of my Executors
All the rest and residue of my goods Chattells Adventures Shipping plate Jewells and whatsoever shall be to me belonging att the time of my decease after my debtsshall be paid and my funerall charges borne and the Legacies herein by me bequeathed being likewise paid and defrayed I doe fully and wholie give and bequeath the same residue of my Estate unto my Two Sonnes in Lawe William Rider and John Crowther equallie betweene them to be parted and devided part and parts alike beseeching God in mercie to blesse them therewith
ITEM I doe ordaine make and Constitute the said William Rider and John Crowther my Two Sonnes in Lawe To be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament desireing them as I have alwaies Loved them both and given my Estate unto them and to theire Children ffor I doubt not they will love my Children and theire Children begotten of theire bodies And I doe further Commend my Sisters and theire Children unto them That they will be helping unto them in what may conduce unto theire good and Wellfare
And for as much as the most part of my Estate is out of my hands at present some in Marchandize and some in other mens hands att home which dooth appeare in a schedule hereunto annexed as alsoe in fower Bookes The first called Debt Booke wherein is all debts due by bonds or Bills the other is the Invoice Booke or booke of CardXXXXXXXX in which the particulars of all goods Laddn for ffraigne parts and to whome Consigned is sett downe The other two is my Jornall and Ledger wherein is every particular ffactors Accompts and of all goods Layden by me into anie part or place beyond the Seas And although I make noe Question but by the blessing of God All or the most part of my Estate will come into the hands of my Executors without Losse yett because of the Uncertaintie of Earthly goods I doe ordaine and provide That if anie Losse (which God forbidd shall happen soe as my Estate being cast upp The same shall not amount to soe much as the same now is att the day of the date hereof which will appeare by a schedule hereunto annexed That then in such case not only my Executors but every other person or persons To whome i have given any Legacie or bequest in this my Will shall make a ratable and proportionable abatement according to such Losse The Legacies given to the building of the Church att Berwick and to the poore only excepted It is to be understood all the poore whome I have given to And because it is uncertaine where I shall finish this life and therefore cannot Leave anie absolute order for my Buriall yet if it please God I doe departe this life within Twentie miles of London I desire to be interred in the same Church with my deare Wife att Redriffe who lyeth buried in the middle Ile ?goeinge into the Chancell att the doore of the uppermost Pue next the XXXX desk And desire That some Godly Presbeterean Minister doe preach a sermon for the edifying of gods People That there shall be assembled And for his paines I give him fortie shillings I say Three pounds XXXXXgs And for as much I have lived amongst a great manie good neighbors And Conversed with a great manie men of all sortes with whome I XX ever desire to ?preserve ?humaine societie and have ever loved those best in whom I did ?decerne the Guifte of God to be most splendent Therfore I forgett not to take my Leave of them all ?desireing them upon my bended Knees That if att anie time I have offended any of them or any other in thought word or deed They would pardon and forgive me
As I doe from my harte pardon and forgive All that have anie waies wronged me in Bodie goods or good name And for such debts as are owing unto me by poore people That are not able to make satisfaction my Will is That my Executors remitt the same and not to molest anie of them And Lastly I doe revoake disanull and call back All former Wills Legacies and Executors And doe ordaine appoynte Theise presents To stand in full force And as my last Will and Testament
In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale ??yeapon this Twentie fifth day of June One Thousand six hundred fifty-two
Ro: Tweedy
THIS WILL was proved att LONDON THE Twelveth day of October In the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred fiftie and five before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations lawfully authorized by the oathes of William Rider and John Crowther ioynt Executors named in the above written Will To: whome Administration of all and singular the goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased was committed They being first legally sworne truely and faythfully to administer the same.
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/250 Aylett 373-425 Will of Roger Tweedy of Stepney, Middlesex 12 October 1655