MRP: Edward Ashe will
Edward Ashe will
Son of John Ashe
Married XXXX
PROB 11/259 Berkeley 363-412 Will of Edward Ash, Merchant of London 17 November 1656
Editorial history
Edward Ash [in LH margin]
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the Six and Twentieth Day of Aprill In the Yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred fiftie and Six I Edward Ash of London Marchant being in perfect mide and memorie but considering my owne mortalitie doe make publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament.
FFIRST I commend my Soule to God my Creatour asuredlie beleaving that through the merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer I shall have eternall life
And as touching the disposing of my personall Estate ffirst I doe will that the summe of Three Thousand one hundred fifty pounds which I doe owe as part of the purchase monie of the Mannor or Lordship of Hoylebury [Or, Hoytebury] in the Countie of Wilts or soo much thereof of as shall be unpaid att my death [CSG: approx seven words in LH margin appear as an insertion; “& allowed such XXXXX XXX att my death] to anie person or persons shall be trulie paid out of my personall Estate except the Summe of ffower Thousand pounds which I covenanted to leave unto my Wife which I have satisfyed by settling upon her issue by me begotten my Mannor of Halsted in the Countie of Kent and other lands in the said Countie and by chargeing the same Mannor and Lands with an Annual payment of Three hundred pounds unto my Sonne in Lawe Robert Wilson and my Brother Jonathan Ash and theire heires for the use of my Wife Elizabeth during her naturall Life which with the Legacies hereunder bequeathed to her is as better worth and value than the said monie agreed to be paid unto her And I doo further give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my Wife the Summe of Two Thousand pounds of lawfull monie of England to her owne free and absolute use and dispose I doo
further give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my Wife the use of my Goods and householdstuffe att Halsteed and alsoe all the Game (?) of Deere and Conies in my Parke att Halsteed for her use during her Widdowhood And from and after her marriage with anie second husband or decease which shall first happen Then to my Sonne John Ash and the heires of his Bodie
ITEM I give to my said Wife Elizabeth all my dwelling house with all the Appurtenances in ffanchurche Streete and Billiter Lane in London and all my Tenements in Billiter Lane wythall theire Appurtenances and the use of all the household stuffe and furniture therewithall used and occupied and all other my Tenements and hereditaments in ffanchurche Streete and Billiter Lane in London which I hould of the Companie of Clothworkers in London for and during the Tearme of the Life of my said Wife xxxxx To annie Estate and interest therein Too long Continue and from and after her decease I give to my sonn Edward Ash his Executors and Administrators the said dwelling house and Tenements with theire Appurtenances and such of the household stuffe and furniture aforesaid as his Mother shall thinke fitt and not give to the rest of her Children As to all my Tearme Estate and Interest of in and to the said Messuages and Tenements and evereie of them by force of anie Lease domize assignment or assurance whatsoever
And I give and bequeath to my Sonne Edward Ash five Thousand pounds And I give and bequeath to my said Sonn John Ash One Thousand pounds And I doe give will and devise unto my Sonne in Lawe Robert Wilson and my Brother Joseph Ash theire Executors and Administrators All that my Rent Charge or Annuall payment of Tenn pounds yssueing out of Dorkine [?] Tenements in Philpott Lane London and all penalties and forfeitures and remedies for recoverie (sic) of the same or for non payment thereof And all my Tearme Estate and Interest in and to the same which is the the remainder of a tearme of one Thousand and nyne hundred yeares upon Trust and Confidence that they shall pay and dispose of the same annuall payment as followeth (viz:t) one halfe part thereof to the Church and poore of the parish of Halstead in the Countie of Kent in Lieu of the twentie six shillings and Eight pence which is pretended to be chargeable upon the said Manor and Lands in Halsteed soo as the said six and twentie shillings and Eight pence shall within Six Moneths after my decease be released in such manner as my said Sonne John shall require otherwise the same halfe part not to be paid to the said parish The other halfe part thereof to the poore of the Parish of Allhallowes Stayning London And I give and bequeath to my Sonne William Ash One Thousand pounds and my Estate of XXXXX att Hoylesbury [?] and my Householdstuffe in the house there for his Orphanage and Customarie part in my personall Estate appertaining by anie Lawe Ordinarie or Custome of the Cittie (sic) of London And I give and bequeath to my Sonne William Ash all my Lands in Ireland which is sett out for my Share and dividend upon my Adventure for Land in that Nation And I give unto him that Chamber in the Inner Temple London which I purchased of that Tenent [?] in his name And I doo will that if anie of my said Children shall depart this Life within the age of one and twenty yeares or before marriage Then the legacy or legacies of him or her that shall
decease shall remaine and goe to the Survivours of them in such manner as the Customarie parts of the Orphans of this Cittie doo And I give to my Sonne in Lawe Robert Wilson ffiftie pounds to buy him a Ring and to my Grandsonne Robert Wilson one hundred pounds and to my Grandsonne Edward Wilson to (sic) hundred pounds to be paid them att theire ages of one and Twentie yeares And to my Brother Jonathan Ash two hundred pounds And to my Sister Ann Mann One hundred pounds And to my Servants Liveinge with me att my death ffortie shillings a peece The rest and residue of all my goods chattels and personall Estate I give and bequeath to and amongst my daughters Elizabeth and Ann Ash and such other child or children as I have living or that my Wife shall goe withall att the tyme of my death To whom I have not by this Will given as Legacie or portion to be equally devided betweene them share and share alike Provided the portions of my said daughters doe not exceed fower Thousand pounds a peece Then such Overplus I give to my Sonn Edward Ash in Case [?] I shall have noe other Childe or Children by my said Wife And if my personall Estate shall not arise to make my said daughters portions ffower Thousand pounds a peece Then the said Summes [?] to be raised and made upp full fower Thousand pounds a peece out of the rents of my Lands in Wilshire and Oxfordshire And in case the Death of either or anie of them my said Children To whom I have given the residue of my personall Estate before theire Legacies shall be payable Then the part and portion of such of Them as shall decease before age or marriage shall be equablie devided betweene the Survivoure and Survivours of them part and part alike And I doe make and constitute my said Loveing Wife Elizabeth and my Brother Joseph Ash and my Sonne in Lawe Robert Wilson Coexecutors of this my last Will and Testament and I give them Twentie pounds a peece for mourning And I desire the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen That they would committ the tuition of my Children unto my Wife and Executors of this my Will And I will that my Executors shall have power to Compounde my debts owing to me att my death att theire Wills and pleasures and to remitt and abate where they shall soo cause in anie that they shall Consider [?] insolvent or unable, anie part of the debts as in theire discretion they shall thinke fitt and see cause And I doe will that none of my Children shall Question or charge my Executors for anie such abatement And as touching the disposing of all my Lands Tenements and hereditaments I dispose thereof as followeth (viz:t) I give will devise and bequeath all my Mannor or Lordship of XXXXburey (sic) in the Countie of Wilts And all that my Mannor of Adderbury (sic) in the Countie of Oxon with theire and either of theire Rights Members and Appurtenances and all other my Lands and hereditaments in the said Counties of Wilts and Oxon and either of them unto my eldest Sonne William Ash and the heires males of his Bodie lawfully begotten and to be begotten in satisfaction and recompense of all such Customarie part share and interest of which myxxx Sonne William Can or may clayme in my personall Estate by anie Lawe usage or Custome within the Citty of London And for want of such issue to the
heires Males of body of me the said Edward and for want of such issue to my right heires for ever Item I give devise and bequeath unto my sonne Edward Ash and his heires for ever all that my Messuage or Tenement with all the Appurtenances scituate in Candleweeke Streete (sic) in London now in the occupation of Edward Morris or of his Assignes To hould to my Sonne Edward and his heires for ever And I doe further will that if my Sonne William shall Clayme or demand his Customarie part in my personall Estate other than such as I have formerlie given to him by this my Will Then and in such Case I give will and bequeath to my other children that shall be damnifyed (sic) by such Clayme and demand soo much Lawfull monie of England out of my said Mannors and Lands in the Countie of Wilts and Oxon as the said William my sonne shall have out of my personall Estate more than what is given to him by this my Will And then and in such Case I doe will and give the said Mannors and Lands in the Counties of Wilts and Oxon to my Sonne John his Executors and Assignes until they shall be satisfyed and paid by the said William Ash my Sonne his heires and assignes soo much lawfull English monie as he shall xxxxx or have out of my personall Estate above his Legacie of one Thousand pounds and fflock of Sheepe (sic)
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loveing Brother John Ash Esquire the Summe of twenty pounds for a Ring And I give to my Cozens Mary and Hester Ash daughters of my Brother John Ash the Summe of Tenn pounds a peece for Jewells to weare for my sake In Witnesse whereof I the said Edward Ash To this my last Will and Testament contayning nine Sheetes of paper with this present Sheete have sett my hand and Seale The day and yeare ffirst above written
Read signed sealed published and declared by the Testator to be his last Will and Testament renouncing all former wills in the presence of xx Joseph Ash John Parrey Scr
THIS WILL without the Codicill was proved att London the Seaventeenth Day of November In the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred fiftie and six before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administratione lawfully authorized by the oath of Joseph Ash the brother and one of the Executors named in the above written will To whome Administration of all and singular the goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased was granted and Committed he being first legally sworne truly and faythfully (sic) to administer Reserving power to Elizabeth Ash the Relict and Robert Wilson the Sonne in Lawe the other Executors to make like probate as alsoe power to prove the Codicill when the truth of it shall further appeare and they come and in legall manner desire the same. Ex.