HCA 13/71 f.200v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.200v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


rifled and dispoyled the sayd shipp of her ladeing
and then burnt and sanke the sayd shipp and having taken this
deponent and the Master and Company of her into their mann of warr carried
them up and downe with them, at Sea about the space of eight or tenn dayes
in which they tooke two other prizes, and then the sayd Man of warr
carried this deponent and the Master and Company of the Affrey to
dunkirke where they put them in prison and saith that by, reason of the
seizure aforesayd the sayd 400 chests of oringes and lemmons
as alsoe the sayd Cittrons sucketts and Corke are become wholly lost [?to GUTTER]
the sayd Chambers Robinson and Gover And further to this Interrogatory
hee cannot depose./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

Richard Retorick [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day

Examined on the sayd Interrogatories.

Rp. 3.

James Gover of Tower streete London Merchant aged
[?56] yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne before the
worshipfu John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of the Judges of
the high Court of Admiralty saith as followeth videlicet

To the first second and third Interrogatories hee saith hee well knew the shipp
Affrey of London at her last being at Porta Port in Portugall which was in
the moneths of January and ffebruary and beginning of March last on the sixth day
of which moneth of March last shee sett sayle from thence towards London,
and saith that during her stay at Porto Port there were laden aboard the sayd
shipp there for Accompt of the Interrogate George Robinson one hundred and
sixty chests of oringes and lemmons, and a quantitie of [?pomcitterons] sweet
meates and Corke and alsoe for Accompt of the Interrogate
George Chambers one hundred and sixty chests of oringes and lemmons and lemmons and
a quantitie of [?pouncitrons] sweete meates and Corke, being their fower fifths of
a certaine quantitie of 400 chests of oringes and lemmons of a parcell of
[?pouncitterons] sweetemeates and corke laden aboard the sayd shipp the sayd voyage
And saith the sayd shipp having taken in her sayd ladeing departed therewith
and with other ladeing shee had on board her from Porta Port on the sayd sixth of
March last bound directly for London, there deliver her sayd ladeing to the
sayd Chambers and Robinson or their Assignes, but saith in her passage homewards
shee mett with fowle weather which drove her about the 22th of March last
into Sev[?o]rne into the Channell called Saint Georges Channell where shee was
forced to stay till winde and weather permitted and served fayre to carry her for London
haveing noe order to staye any longer in the sayd Port this hee deposeth for
that hee went the whole voyage in question in her both outward bound and
homeward bound till such her comeing into Saint Georges Channell to King Roade
neere Bristowe where this deponent left her the 25th day of March last with all
her ladeing on board her which shee brought from Porta Port aforesayd, And
further hee cannot of his know certaine knowledge depose, but hath heard the sayd
shipp and all her ladeing were since hee soe left her taken by a dunkirke man
of warr of eighteene gunnes and by the man of warr aforesayd rifled and plundered of
her sayd ladeing, and the sayd shipp fyered and sunke And further hee cannot depose/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

James [?Gover] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


Primary sources



C 10/207/59 Elizabeth Leigh widow, Eleanor Maplesden widow, Thomas Abthorpe, Penelope Bedingfield, James Gover and Martha Talbott widow v Philip Pinckney and Israel Jackson: money matters, Middlesex. Bill and three answers. 1681