HCA 13/71 f.498r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.498r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the sayd shipp Samuell by the sayd Otters ramming upon her
with the Providence became so brake that her Master and Company
had much to doe with continuall labour of her pumpes to keepe her above water till they could gaine Scar=
borough and were there necessitated to putt in for the better preservation of
the sayd shipp Samuell and her ladeing and their lives the premisses hee deposeth of his owne
sight and knowledge being aboard and assisting according to Command
to have endeavoured the prevention of the dammage which happened, and further
hee cannot depose./

To the 3 article hee saith that after the sayd Otters shipp had so runne
fowle of the Samuell and damnified her, the sayd Otters shipp having
thereby receaved some damminge hee the sayd Otter boare up with
his shipp toward Whittby whereas hee might with farr more con=
venience and with lesse trouble and danger have putt into Scarborough
which if hee had attempted hee might very well have gotten
to Scarborough two howers at least sooner then the Samuell gott thither,
and might thereby in this deponents Judgement and as hee verily beleeveth
have avoide the hurt hee afterwards receaved, for by such his the sayd
Otters not makeing for Scarborough which was tenn myles or thereabouts
neerer then Whitby, but makeing his course toward Whitby the night
approaching the sayd Otter and Company as hee hath heard and beleeveth runne their shipp Providence on
shoare in a place called Robin hoods bay, about sixe myles from
Scarborough where shee bilged upon a rocke And further to this
article hee cannot depose/

To the 4th hee saith that hee this deponent being at Scarborough the
shipp Samuell haveing put in thither for her better preservation, did while
hee soe lay there, see the Masts and Anchors and Cables and
two of the gunnes and all the sayles and rigging of the sayd Otters
shipp brought in a ffiveman [?Coble] or boate, and in the sayd
Otters shipp boate (which was alsoe saved) to Scarborough and saith hee
heard a report amongst the Inhabitants of Scarborough
that the sayd Otter sold
the hull of the sayd shipp Providence
to two Carpenters of Scarborough for fifteene pounds sterling And
further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 5th hee saith that if the sayd Otter had gone with his sayd
shipp Providence to Scarborough as this deponent well knoweth hee
might have done if hee would, his shipp being in farr better
condition to gett thither then the Samuell which did gett thither, the sayd
Otter in this deponents Judgement and in all proba=
bility had saved his ship Providence and her ladeing with very
smale losse And whatsoever dammage happened to her did
in this deponents Judgement happen through the carelessenesse and
willfullnes of the sayd Otter and his Company first in running
fowle of the Samuell as aforesayd and afterwards makeing for