Materials handling
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Revision as of 12:49, November 8, 2012 by ColinGreenstreet (Talk | contribs)
Materials handling
Editorial history
08/11/12: CSG, created page
Purpose of page
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Conditions on board ship
- “a leakie shipp may carry tarr, deales and balkes without any dammage to them, but noe fish, for that must or ought to be put into a drie shipp” (HCA 13/71 f.213r Case: XXXX (“Examined upon the fore said allegation”): Deposition: 2. Peter Johnson of Christian haven in Denmarke Merchant, aged 47 yeeres; Date. XX/XX/XXXX (“Same day”))
- “the said fish was laden in rainy weather and received dammage in the transportation by meanes of very fowle weather and greate stormes” (HCA 13/71 f.213v Case: XXXX (“Examined upon the fore said allegation”): Deposition: 2. Peter Johnson of Christian haven in Denmarke Merchant, aged 47 yeeres; Date. XX/XX/XXXX (“Same day”))
Properties of commodities
- “salt is of a melting nature if it take wett” (HCA 13/71 f.219r Case: To the Interrogatories given on behalfe of Culling, Kirby and Arthur; Deposition: XXXX; Date: XX/XX/XXXX)
- Tobacco
- Timber