Tools: London Port Book, E190/46/2

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London Port Book, E190/46/2

Created 09/09/14, by CSG


This page is for the transcription of the London Port Book, E190/46/2.

This Port Book covers coastal traffic to and from the Port of London betwwen September 1657 and June 1659

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London [LH MARGIN]

Goods wares and Merchandize, brought into this Port of London by
Coast Cocquetts and Transits from the Outports and from
Scotland from the 1st October 1657 to the 25th
June, 1658 inclusive.

1 October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]

Ipswich [LH MARGIN]

Marygold of Ipswich John Lainly Master}
1 dennis Gawden md [?X]ij C iiij xx firkins butter xvij CwH Cheese}
six peeces English pouldanis j hhhds English spritts per Cert xxvj}
September 1657


Blessing of Newhite Thomas Ward Master}
2 Edmund Calnin md xx [?n] plaine Tyles lxxv baggs}
of English [?hopps] ij chests iij baggs of Clothes and Lynnen}
per Cert, xxix th September ult}


William of Whitstable William Gilmore Master}
3 Item mr xxx qrs Oates xx qrs mault ij qrs Pease per Cert}
xxviij September ult}


Neptune of Leigh Cornelius Pattenson Master}
4 Idem mr xxx qrs of Oates xij qrs beanes [?&]vj qrs wheat}
per Cert xxviij September 1657


John of Preston Georg Nicholson Master}
5 James Riddell md l Chalder white Salt per Cert 17th July 1657}


Seaflower of Milton George Aldree Master}
6 James Lambert merchant ix loads faggotts tenn baggs}
Tann &vij qrs wheate per Cert xxviij September ult}


Unity of depthford Tho: fflowes Master}
7 John heeth md. ome pack q [?X] ij C wH Scotish Linnen yarne}
per Cert xxvth August 1657}

ffreindshipp of Woodbridge henry Redgrave Master}
8 Cxxviij Chalder of Coles per Cert x September ult}


ij th October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]


Vanity of Ipswich Edmond hamond Master}
1 Clviij Chaldren of Coales per Cert xxviij August 1657}

Lilly of Ipswich Thomas Ward Master}
2 lxl Chaldren Coales per Cert ijth September 1657}


John of Rye William White Master}
3 Tenn Chaldren if Coales per Cert vth September ult}


Ellen of ffeversham Thomas Balder Master}
4 Richard Lewin md xix baggs English wooll [?quantity] l C weight}
ij dozen of Buckskins iij bundles sheepe skinns [?quantity] iiij dozen}
ij leads and ij basketts old pewter [?quantity] v C wtt, iij brass potts}
halfe a hundred weight of English hopps, per Cert 26th September ult}


William and Anne of Millayle Robert Cozens Master}
5 Richard Watt md lix baggs two [?end] hopps & ij loads}
of hoopes per Cert xxixth September ult}


ffarwell of Margate Ralph Tebb Master}
6 david Austen md xxx quarters Wheate & lx quarters of mault}
per Cert xxixth September ult}

iij October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]


Richard and Susan of dover Christopher dawson Master}
1 henry Winter md j load of Browne paper one}
load of houshold goods ij basketts and j barr of old pewter}
quarter iij C weight xxiijth SEptember ult

Brunt Island

hope of Leith James Lockhart Master}
2 Idem m[?r] eighty Tonn of Coales per Cert xxixth August}


hannah of Brightholmston Phillip Michell Master}
3 Thomas Cornell md xxx Tonns of Tobacco pipe=}
Clay per Cert viijth September ult\]



