HCA 13/73 f.183v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.183v.

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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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To the 8th hee saith that the interrogated Anthony ffernandez, Gowen Painter
Joh Page, Antonio Robles and Andrew dunkin advancing seaven
hundred pounds here towards the said designe, and the same being [?exchanged]
into hollands money made about seaven thousand one hundred and fourtie
gilders, and saith the said persons advanced soe much more thereunto at
Amsterdam towards the said busines, as made up the said summe six and
twenty thousand gilders for their part, which they made over by exchange
and the said Tilley received the greatest part of the money from John Lopez
[?Chillon] and Manuel Rodrigues Carrion two Portugall marchants of
Amsterdam upon whom it was drawne, and Mr Chanterwell the rest,
to all which hee this respondent was specially privie, and knoweth that the
same was donne towards providing the said shipp and goods, and part
of the said money remitted before the same were bought, and the rest
while they were providing and before shee proceeded from Amsterdam.

To the 9th hee saith that hee hath knowen the said Anthony ffernandez
Gowen Painter John Page and Antony Robles about five or six yeares at
least, and Andrew dunkin about two yeares last, and hath in a weekes space last
seene them since on the Exchange, some at their houses and others in the [?PXXX GUTTER]
of this citie, and the said Tilly hee hath knowne about
nine yeares and Chanterwell about twenty monethes last, and last saw
them when the said shipp was readie to saile from Amsterdam as

To the tenth hee saith that the said Painter and dunkin are batchelours
(unlesse the said Painter were a widower) and
as factors and merchants strangers have lived in Secile
Cadiz and the Canaries in the dominions of the king of Spaine for severall
yeares and the said Painter as hee hath heard kept a house and servants there for severall [?yeares GUTTER] and otherwise negatively, saying that since the beginning of the
warr betwixt England and Spaine or shortly after the beginning thereof they
were compelled to retire from that dominion for England where they have ever since lived./

To the eleaventh hee saith the interrogated Antonio Robles is reputed a native
of Portugall, and to have bin there borne while Portugall was under
the king of Spaines dominion, And otherwise hee cannot answer saving
as aforesaid.

To the twelveth hee saith the said John Tilly lived with his wife and family
at Amsterdam when this deponent was there at the time of the
said shipps proceeding thence, this deponent being there at his house before
such his proceeding, And saith the said John is reputed an Irish man bred
And further cannot answer saving as aforesaid

To the 13th negatively

To the 14th negatively

To the 15th negatively.

To 16 hee saith that the packet of letters aforesaid soe received by him at
honduras from the company of a shipp recently there arived from Cadiz
were to advise their friends of their arivall there, this deponent seeing
severall of them while they were in writing and others before they were
sealed, and well knoweth that they did not concerne the said shipp Hope
at all or her lading.

To the last hee saith that the schedule interrogated was and is written in
Spanish, ad the said schedule annexed to the allegation was and is the very
same schedule soe by him showed to the officers of the shipp, and mentioned [?in ?the]
same schedule soe by him showed to the officers of the shipp, and mentioned [?by GUTTER]
this deposition to the 23 and 24th articles of the allegation, and that hee did not [XX GUTTER]
declare that hee had any goods for himselfe in the said shipp, as in truth hee
had not as hee saith, but in the West Indias hee gave out that the
shipp and goods were all his to the end to preserve them from seizure
as aforesaid, neither did hee declare what hee was to have for his
service for the said voyage, nor could hee for hee knew not how much hee [?should GUTTER

have, that being left to the discretion of his said Imployers.