HCA 13/73 f.683r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.683r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to be laden on board her and the said ship Benjamin, And
this Deponent receaved on board his said ship asmuch of the said
goods and Merchandizes as his said ship could conveniently carry
And there were as much left there (which was provided as aforesaid)
which would have compleated the Benjamins Lading but by
reason of her being seized and hindered as aforesaid those
goods and Merchandizes were left there, which hee saith amounted to the vallue
of about seaven Thousand pounds, many of which said Goods
and Merchandizes were spoiled by reason of their long
lying there by meanes of the ffloudes and raines
And saith that by reason of the Benjamins said seisure and
restraint by the Dutch as aforesaid, shee lost her Monsoones
(by reason of which shee was forced to stay in Augustine Bay beyond the
Cape Bon Esperanza, about five or six months longer then
shee needed, or would have donne had shee not bin soe seized and detained
And lastly hee saith that hee doth verily beleebve the Owners
and Imployers of the said ship Benjamin who are all subjects of this Kingdome of England have (besides
this Dishonor done to the English nation) suffered losse and
Dammage by reason of her being seized and detained by
the Dutch as aforesaid to the summe or vallue of five
thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts And further cannot

Repeated coram doctor Master surrogato.



The 4th day of March 1660. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid Allegation./.

Samuel Leaver of London Merchant aged 30
yeares or thereabouts sworne and Examined saith
as followeth./

To the 17th Eighteenth and 19th articles of the said Allegation hee saith and
deposeth that hee this deponent was in January 1656 or thereabouts Imployed by the Adventurers in the
arlate ship the Benjamin at Raijapore in the East Indias in the
kingdome of DEcam, to looke after the providing of severall goods
and Merchandizes, namely Saltpeeter, Pepper, Cardaman[?XX] and
Guinea stuffe, which were there bought for the said Adventurers Account by
two Banian Merchants, and were to have bin Laden onboard the
said ship Benjamin, and the Hopefull ffrigott, namely to the Vallue of six
Thousand Pounds worth onboard the shipp Benjamin, but shee being (as
this deponent hath bin Credibly informed) hindered by some Dutch ships
did not come to Raijapore, whether shee was bound there to take
in the said Goods by which meanes the same (which were provided as aforesaid)
were left in that Country all that Winter and thereby many of them
were spoiled by reason of the Great raines, which then happened there