MRP: HCA13/64

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Imaged HCA 13/64 from f1r. to f. 41v.

P1090473 Cover of leather bound volume

P1090474, P1090475, P1090476
f. 1r.

Ex pte Jacobi Lampr?ier
XXXX navem y:e Amity

In ansywer to the first and second interrogratories. Jacobi Lampr?ier and XXX the lawful owner of one third part of the Amity. Ship at Newfound Land. April last past the said Jacobi lampr?ier did furnish and set out his said one third partof the said ship on a “"trading voyage for the port of S:t Mallo aclate to Newfoundland to catch fish and to carry the same for Bilbao and there to dispose of and soe to returne againe for S:t Malo w:th the proceed of such goods for his owne proper Accompt. The deponent knows this becasue he was living in S:t Malo France at the time and had “from tyme to tyme every yeare sett out victualled and imployed the said part of the ship the Amity w:ch hee had bought about eight yeares since of Thomas LibbXston and John Masters of Jersey"

In answer to the 3rd and 4th interrogatories.

In answer to the 5th interrogratory. The deponent knows James Lamprier very well, and has done so for about 20 years. James Lamprier was a subiect of the Commonwealth at the time of the surprizall and seizure of the said ship and ladeing. Lamprier "had formerly about 8 yeares since bin an Inhabitant and lived in Jersey where hee beleiveth hee was borne” The deponent stated that “at such tyme as the said Island of Jersey Revolted from the Obedience of the Parliam:t hee was for his affection and adhesion thereunto (w:ch hee saith was allwayes very great) forced and constrained to fflye to ?plowet in ffrance where there is a protestant church" and practised only the protestant religion. His estate was confiscated and lost at Jersey for his loyalty to parliament "at the beginning of the late warres in England and was himselfe proclaimed traytor there; and after XXX had his wife and family banished from there"

f. 1v.

The said Lamprier set out and furnished a man of ware on behalfe of the said Parliam:t. This was at the consent and approbation of Collonell ?Litvott

To the 7th, 8th & 9th interoggatories. It is usual and ordianary for ships voyaging from S:t Malo to Newfound Land to carry with them passes "under the hand of Sir George Carteret the now Govero:r of Jersey" together with some inhabitants and seamen of the Island

Symo ?SebirM de JXXX Jersey Mercator

To the 1st and 2nd.

...for all the tyme aclate and ab the space of ?thoise two yeares last past or thereabouts
the said James Laprier was and att this present ought to ?have XXX true and
lawfull owner and prprietor of one quarter &one halfe quarter parte of the shipp XXX Esperance
and of there Tackle apparell and Furniture as allsoe of such part of
her ladeing of fishe and oyles and other provisios as were on bord her when
shee was seized and taken by Captaine ?Johnson in Newfoundland and for ?such
was and is comonly accompted reputed and taken wch hee knowes to bee true XX
this deponent being present when XX bought one halfe part of the said ship XXXX since that sould one q:tr of his halfe to XXXXX XXX wassd pt hee XXXX XXX buy of one Jaques Oliver of Gurnsey about 2
yeares since this deponent being at the XXXX makeing and XXXXX of XXXX
Earnest penny by them the said Lamprier XXXX for the ?sound And saizj that in or
about the moneth of Aprill last past the said James Lamprier did XXXX
and sett out his sd part in the said ship from S:t Malloe to Newfoundland XXX
a fishing voyage as is aclate and sae from thence she was to have proceeded ?and
carryed her ladeing to Bilbao and was at length from thence to returne again
to S:t Malloe for his propper use and Accompt That being a voyage usually underXXX
and ?pfpr,ed XX from S:t Malloe ?which hee knoweth being at S:t Malloe when ?the
said ship departed from thence and XXXX the said Lamprier sett out and ?furnis XXX
said parcel thereof and soe much hee saith is notXXXX XXXX XXXXXX att S:t Malloes
all such as knowe the said James Lamprier XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX depoXXXX

Ad 3 et 4:n aclor XXXX deposeth XXXX ad XXX aclon in XXX quaad the Amity
XXXX pagina spinXXXX

Ad 5:nd XXXXXX that the said James Lamprier for theise 7 yeares last past or
thereabouts hath every yeare constantly used to
sett out one or more shipps ?or his parte therein from S:t Mallo to Newfoundland and


f. 2r.

XXX for Bilbao and then fore S:t Malloe againe w:ch he knoweth haveing
lived in & neere S:t Mallo dureing all the said tyme and seeing and ?observeing
him to doe the same. And soe much he saith is publiquely and notoriously
knowne at S:t Malloe aforesaid et also XXXX

Ad 6:nd dep fuit XXX pXXXX ad 5:nd aclon aXXX prXXXXX extendXXXX

Idem ad Interr. ex pte Custod XXX quaad the Amity

AXX pXXXX XX XXX quad reface se ad pradepactasua Et alr magis pticula

Ad 2:nd XXXX

Ad 3:nd XXXX and XXX the said James Lamprier pay
for furnishing out his pt of the said Shippe the Amitye to XX XXXXX
XX and ?abuses of XXX XX bought the same Et ale XXXXXX

Ad 4:nd ?caudet XXX ad singula

Ad 5:nd ?caudet XXXX have for this pt at present XXXX this Comonwealth
as a Trooper XX a Troope of theirs now lyeing in this Cittie and before
that XXX in S:t Malloe Et XXXXX

Ad 6:nd ?caudet negative

Ad 7:m ?cauder that the said Lampriers copartners in the said ship
the Amity doe ?live the Island of Jersey, but also some ?times
XXX to S:t Malloe to take order about the setting foreth of the said ship
each man providing for his owne pt therein Et al XXXX

Idem as Interr quoad the Esperance

YY YYYY YYYY dat that hee was present when the said M:r Lamprier
bought and gave earnest money for his said pte in the said ship the Esperance
to the said Jaques Oliver about Xmas last was a twelve moneths
& likewise XXXX XXXa fterwards paid some part of the money agreed
upon XXXX them for y:e same Et alX XXXX salius pXXXXX

Ad 3:nd ?caudet that hee was present and ?sawe the said James Lamprier
pay moneyes to one Mon:sr da ?casao and agree for provisions w:ch XX
used about the setting XX his said pte of the said ship to sett upon
this XXX last goeing for Newfoundland. And saith that the said da
?Vibert XXupon the said Lampreer sould i qtrer pte of his said halfe
in the said shippe XX in the prsance of ?Jersey XXX this wise and
?familia now remained w:ch hee saith was soe by him sould ymediately
before the goeing out to Newfoundland upon this prsent voyage XX
in w:ch she was seized At al niXXX

Ad 4:n ?caudet negative ad singular

Ad 5:nd XXXXX

Ad 6:nd ?caudet negative

Ad 7:nd ?caudet that XX other halfe Owner of the said ship the Esperance
XXX M:t da Ring by name ?liveth in S:t Maloe in ffrance and hath
soe done ever since this XXXX first knowe him w:ch hee saith
bin by the tyme of XXX 3 or 4 yeares or thereabouts

XXXX SEBIRELL (his signature)

f. 2v. P1090483

29:o November 1650

Ex parte Lamprire


To the 3rd & 4th interrogratories. The Amity safely arrived in Newfound Land where "?M:r and Companie did prepare and were getting ready a very great nomber of ffishe and a great quantitie of Oyles a third pte whereof did belong unto the said James Lamprier and was for his proper accompte." But "before y:e said ffishes and oyles could bee made readie and fitt to bee brought to bee brought from thence Captan Goodson came in the ship the Hopefull Luke to Newfound Land and there seized upon the said ship and her ladeing which was makeing fitt"

General notes on browsing HCA 13/64

• Significant number of sailors ("Nauta") making depositions and giving addresses as Saint Dunstan in the East, Billingsgate, and XXX, as well as Limehouse, Ratcliffe and Stepney.
- William Brooke of the Precinct of the Tower, mariner (19th Jan 1650/51, no fol,. No).
- Charles Frith pf the parish of St Bottoplph Bishopsgate, London ,amariner, aged 35 (17th Jan 1650/51)
- Gorge Stapleton of Charterhouse in ye parish of Great St BXXXX, mariner aged 18 (22nd jan 1650/51)

• Role of Island of Jersey in French, Newfoundland, and other trades?

• Some Suffolk deponents. A Liverpool sailor deponent. Plenty of Dutch deponents (Zeeland and elsewhere)

Specific deponents/cases of possible interest

William Methwold, 23rd february 1650/51 (no f. No.)
- Case: ?Barrett and Swanley
- Mentions receiving a letter from Ligorno from factors XXX and XXX Man; refers to Thomas Fairfax & company and Martin Lister and others

Captaineus Willimus Haddocke de Wapping ..aged 43 13th Jan 1650/51; also 18th Jan 1650/51
- Refers to Captain Ell

Captain John Barker. Commander of the sghip the Gtreate Lewes of London in the service of the parliament, 14th Jan 1650/51, aged 49 years or therabouts

Franciscus DuncombeSt Dunstans in oriente London Mercator aged 22 (17th Jan 1650/51)

Johes Dickons civitatis London Marcator, anno agens 50 (20th Jan 1650)
- Refers to letter sent from Livorno on October 12th 1650, signed by Jannes and George Man and Thomas ffoster, who were merchants and factors there
- Mentions the Harry Bonadventure and the XXXwell which had departed a week before

Capt Ricardus Badiley de Wapping aged 35 (16th Jan 1650/51)[1]

Robertus Johnson de civitate Dublin in Hibernia Skinner aged 50 (XX Jan 1650/51)


Possible primary sources

  1. Captain Richard Badiley. Possibly Richard Badiley, of Wapping, Middlesex (PROB 11/268 Ruthen 359-410 Will of Richard Badiley of Wapping, Middlesex 13 October 1657)