MRP: 3rd October 1667, Letter from Robert Bowen to Sir GO, London

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3rd October 1667, Letter from Robert Bowen to Sir GO, London

BL, MS. XX, XXXX, ff. 22-23

Editorial history

13/12/11, CSG: Created page

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See 14th April 1667, Letter from Robert Bowen to Sir GO, Pladsto
See October 1667, Letter from Robert Bowen to Sir GO

To do


[f. 22]

Sr George Oxinden & good ffreind

London Octob y:e 3:d 1667


M:r Buckridg hath demanded of me a parcell of parle delivered me by a Banyan & y:t yo:w have writ him y:t yo:w have a receit for y:m under my hand I hope there are not to counterfiters of hands in Suratt for I take God to witness before whom I must shortly appeare y:t I know of none y:t ever I reced of any man for M:r Buckredg but if yo:w have any recep:t under my hand pray send it home

S:r this I remember y:t when there weare some small parcells a bove in y:e Choutrey yo:w & I w:th M:r Simbree there yo:w said to me lett us goe downe & lett M:r Simbre take notice of y:m whether he y:n did receive any such or not I know not but as for my selfe I never heard of any such pcell but as for som others w:ch yow charged upon me he had

S:r yo:w have delt very unholy by me for yo:w writ home to

[f. 23]

Som person y:t yo:w have sent tokens unto y:t I had y:m w:n I never saw y:m or heard of any sutch upon w:ch they did shew me their lres w:ch caused me som trouble untill by providence they were found out

Sir it is very ill custom to charge things in yo:r lres upon y:e Commander w:n y:e goods are delivered to other men in y:e same shipp nay one pcell was one board y:e Charles & Charged upon me in y:e London

S:r yo:w promised me y:t yo:w would send home my small Box of Dymonds by y:e first shipp for w:ch have yo:w recept & Contrary to promise have keept y:m y:t being in dispare of ever haveing y:m I have sould y:m at one hundred pounds loss unto M:r Christopher Willoughby by unto whose ordering & disposure yo:w are desired for y:e future to follow

S:r I hope yo:w did not order those pearle I bought of yo:w & paid Bimje for to be delivered to M:r Burkridg other I know none & soe rest

Yo: Rob:t Bowen