HCA 13/71 f.590v Annotate

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Interrogate and therefore is not concerned to answere nor can answere
further to this Interrogatorie./

To the 4th hee saith he heard not he Interrogate Maundrie and Gosling speake any such
words as are Interrogate or any to that effect And further saving his foregoeing deposition
hee cannot now particularly answere to this Interrogatorie

To the 5th hee saith hee hath bin thirteene severall voyages at Greeneland
beside the voyage in question videlicet in the Mayflower two or three voyages in
the ffellowshipp one voyage, in the Anne Pearcie one Voyage
and in the PrXXXX, the Patience, the debXXXXX
and the Elizabeth each a voyage, and in the Merchants Adventure the voyage
in question, and the names of the other shipps hee went in hee remembreth
not, and saith hee hath gone in those voyages some tymes Quarter
Master, sometymes Masteres Mate, and sometymes Master, and at such
tymes as hee went Master or Masters Mate hee went also as a harpoone GUTTER
And hath in that tyme gone to Crosse Roade, ffowle Sand, the fforeland
Port Nick; Greene harbour, Bell Sound, horne Sound, ducks
Cove, which are all the usuall harbours frequented by the English to
fish in, and saith hee went Master of the Prince, and Elizabeth, And
that Mr C?one was Master of the May fflower all the voyages hee went
in her, and Mr Bellamyme Master of the ffellowshipp, and Captaine William
hrae Master of the Anne Pearcie, and Mr Richard Child Master of
the Patience, and mr henry Knight Master of the deborah, and the foresayd
James Goulding was (the voyage in question) Master of the Merchants

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