HCA 13/71 f.466v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.466v.

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had Company had done what they could for housing the sayd whale
did call out to one Richard Parker who was Boateswaine of the
sayd shipp and bidd him cutt the warpe and lett her goe and come
on board for they had done as much as they could do whereupon the sayd Parker according to the sayd dammarells
order did cut the warpe and lett the whale goe And further saving
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose further to the sayd damarell
after (in manifestation that (as the deponent beleeveth) that hee was
well satisfied with what the sayd shipps Company had done in
the pusuite of and endeavouring to take the sayd whale) did Command
this deponent being Quartermaster and Steward of the sayd shipp to d[?eliver GUTTER]
to every boate (being six which pursued (being six in number) a b[?eaker GUTTER]
of brandie wine to drink which hee this deponent accordingly did
And further saving his forgoeing deposition hee cannot depose./

To the 14th hee saith knoweth all the parties the arlate Reynolds
Chauntrie Ashmore Kirton and fford and saith that Reynolds was Cooper
and Chauntrie his mate of the shipp Owners Adventure, and that all there
of them were persons to bee imployed on land in boyleing of whales when
catched, they being noo sea men nor having any skill in sayleing of
a shipp and manageing of it at sea nor knowing ought when it is fitte
to carry her in or out of a harbour And further to this article hee
cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the rest of the articles hee is not examined by direction of the producent

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

Smith dt.

To the first interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to be a
wittnesse in this cause by the procurement of Goslin and Maundrie
who caused Mr Browne the Marshall of this Court to serve him with>
a warrant to that effect And to the rest of the Interrogatorrie hee
answereth negatively to every part thereof./

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith hee knoweth off not Mr Golderne one
of the parties litigant and Mr Batson and Mr Beane two other of them
only by sight, and well knoweth the producent Maundries and Goslin
but is nothing of kinne nor indebted to either of them nor they the
sayd Gosling and Maundrie to him, and favoureth, all the parties litigants
in this cause alike and desyreth right may prevaile therein./

To the 3 hee saith hee was one of the Owners Adventure, and Quarter
Master and Steward of her the voyage in question and saith hee hath at
present nor suite against the sayd Batson, but did since hee came home
arrest the sayd Batson for his wages for the voyage in question, by
virtue of an Action in the Poultry Counter, but hath since lett fall
the sayd action for want of moneys to prosecute the same but
hath intende to commence a suite against him
againe for the same soo soone as God shall enable him with money
to do it./


Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner