MRP: HCA 13/124

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HCA 13/124 1650-1652

HCA 13/ High Court of Admiralty: Instance and Prize Courts: Answers to Bills of Complaint

Editorial history

01/05/12, CSG: Created page
15/05/12, CSG: Ordered volume at TNA to inspect

Suggested links

See Admiralty court cases

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Physical description

Sample transcriptions

Case: Libell ag:t Georgij Keate: Personal answer: Willmi Ashwell, armigeri: Date: November 30:th 1650

Ultimo Novemb 1650

Repetit cora drore

Responsa personalia Willmi
Ashwell armigeri ?facta
?ponibus XXXXam pretensi
libelli als con:a XXm ex pte
Georgij Keate utrungXX XX
sequitur. viz:t

To the first position of the said p:rtended
libell he answereth and beleeveth that in
y:e yeare 1647. & the monethes
thereof, and in y:e yeares 1648 and untill
the time theat the arlate Thomas
Mulleney, dyed (which as this respondent
beleeveth was in some moneth of the
said yeare 1648.) he the said Thomas
Multeny was master of the articulate
shippe The Mary Bonadventure, and
had and tooke upon him the care and
charge & government of the said Shippe
by and with the consent of the owners of
her. And this respondent hath heard
and beleeveth that y:e said Mulleney was
alsoe owner of one Sixteenth part of the
said Shippe and her tackle & furniture,
And otherwise he doth not beleeve the
said posicon to be true in any pte

To the second posicon of the said
pretended libell he answereth and
beleeveth that in the time arlate the
arlate shippe y:e Mary Bonadventure
was and remained in the river of
Thames bound out to sea upon a voyage
to y:e Barbadoes arlate or some other plaice or porte arlate, And otherwise he
doth not beleeve the said pretended
posicon to be true in any parte
