HCA 13/70 f.505r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.505r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and Company were and still are commonly reputed the true and
lawfull Owners and proprietors of the Shipp the Pilgrim arlate and her
tackle and furniture and hee this deponent beleeveth them soe to bee for that hee
this deponent wnt Carpenter of the Shipp Pilgrim her last voyage and knoweth
the sayd Bland did as part Owner of the sayd shipp in the behalfe of himselfe
and others the Owners thereof lett the same to freight to the arlate Barthust
Baker and others the freighters thereof her sayd last voyage and for that the sayd
Bland did as a part Owner of the sayd shipp order and appointe James
Watkins the Master of the sayd Shipp to paye this deponent his wages due for
the sayd voyage And hee saith by reason hee was one of the sayd shipps
Company the sayd Voyage hee knoweth that the arlate Samuel Barthurst
within the tyme arlate, was owner of certalyne butts of oyle on board the sayd shipp Pilgrim
and the arlate Richard Baker then alsoe Owner of certaine butts of wyne
but how many butts either of oyle or wlyne they were soe owners of hee saith
hee knoweth not And further hee cannot depose.

To the 3 and 4th hee saith that hee well knoweth being one of the Pilgrims
Company that she came to Anchore neere dick shoare arlate
upon the 29th day of Aprill last and there roade safe at anchor well
moored with the oyles and wynes predeposed of and other oyles and merchandizes
on board her and in a place where shipps usually ride, And saith that hee
well remembreth that upon the thirtieth day of the sayd month of Aprill
the shipp the Exeter merchant arlate came at the topp of
a high water where the force of the same was almost spent and anchored
asterne of the Pilgrim, and after shee had soe layne a little while the
water began to ebb and the sayd Shipp the Exeter Merchant did thereupon
winde fowle of the Pilgrim, and soe continued a little while but shortly
after did in some measure cleare off from the Pilgrim soe that shee did not at present
doe her any hurt and for that hee this deponent
went from aboard the Pilgrim on shoare soone after the Exeter
Merchant was in some measure cleare as aforesayd of the Pilgrim hee canot further
to the articles depose of his certaine knowledge and sight, but hath heard
divers of the Company of the Pilgrim sayd that afterwards that hen the tyde
of ebb began to runne somewhat stronger the Exeter Merchant did
fall fowle of the Pilgrim with such force that she broke the Pilgrims
bolsprit and part of her head and drove her aground, and as the sayd
Pilgrims Company told this deponent did her much hurt and brake her
Cable and caused divers of the caskes of oyle and wines which shee
had onboard to leake very much, And hee this deponent comming again
on board the sayd shipp Pilgrim the next day vizt the first of May last did