HCA 13/68 f.85r Annotate

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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The first of November 1653.

The claime of Peter hubrecht and)
hendrickSu tfeild of hamborough for)
the Peter Cornelis yarickson master)
and the goods in the same, taken by)
Captaine dunston.)

Cornelius Yarrickson of hamborough Mariner
Master of the said vessell the the Peter aged 37 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that the said Peter hubrecht and
hendrick Sutfeild were and are the true, lawfull and sole owners of the
said shipp the Peter and lading of wooll and seacole aboard the same being
20 sacks of wooll and eleaven lasts of coales, which the said owners laded
aboard her at hamborough about three monthes since and set her out thence
by saile therewith for OlXXX in Normandie and there to deliver the same for their
proper accompt, and that the said shipp departed therewith from hamborough
for OXXXX, and in her course was on the seaventh of October last old
stile off the Shingles mett with by Captaine dunstan a private man of warr
of this nation, and brought up to Rie, all which hee knoweth being master of the
said vessell and constituted master of her by the said owners, and being aboard
when shee was soe seized by the said dunatan, who tooke this deponent and
one of his company out of this deponents shipp into his man of warr, and
carried them to dover and put them there into a house where they were kept
as [risoners for the space of nine dayes without being suffered to goe out
or any body to come and speake with them; And saith at the time of
the said seizure the said Captaine seized and tooke away this deponents
writings being two seabriefes, and fowre other writings or letteres and a bill of
lading for the said goods. And lastly saith that as hee hath bin credibly informed
this deponents other two men (for hee had but three besides himselfe) that were
carried to Rie in the said shipp are nowe out of her and gonne to dover,
soe that his shipp and lading as hee beleeveth are wholly kept in the
possession and are on the discretion of the said dunstan at Rie

Repeated before the three



The 2d day of November 1653:

The clayme of the widdowe of Hance Lemmerman)
of Hamborough deceased, and of John Lemmerman)
Hans Lemmerman and Thomas Lemmerman for
their goods in the Black Cock, whereof John ffransea
?haon was Master) Budd ffrancklin)


vide Y.Y.

Jacob Wigandi of Hambrorough
Merchant aged 25. yeares or thereabouts
a Wittnes sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first second and third arles of the said Allon hee saith & deposeth
That in or about the moneth of January 1652. (new style) one
Abraham Vergensis of Dantsick in Poland, (whom this deponent hath
for theise 5 (Poss 6) yeares and upwards by Correspondencie well knowne to
be ffactor agent or correspondent to the parties producent, and for severall
yeares before, as hee hath observed by their bookes of accompts) by the order
and direction of Katharine Lemmerman the Relict of the said Hance
Lemmerman and of John, Hance and Thomas Lemmerman heires of
the said deceased, and for their accompt did take to freight
of the said John ffransen ?haon (then and for some time before and
after Master of the said shipp the Black Cock) his said shipp then lying