HCA 13/70 f.333r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.333r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


not servant to any man, otherwise then as being a master of a shipp which
is his condition of living and hath soe bin for theise twelve yeares last or
thereabouts, And saith hee hath continually dwelt at Middleborowe for
theise sixteene yeares last, and bin a houskeeper there for all that time
and hath constantly as a houskeeper for all that time paid taxes and
contributions, as other houskeepers there use to doe, and never dwelt or
paid any contributions or taxes in England.

To the eighth hee saith that hee hath bin master of the said shipp
two yeares and upwards, and that Cornelius hubrechtson and
John Kein of Terviwer, and Adrian Van Bulstrode, Nicholas Colment
david de Vischer and daniel Boltens, of Middleborogh and other the then
owners of Middleborowe and Tervier (whose names hee nowe remembreth
not without books) constituted jhim this deponent master of her, and tha
the said shipp was then alsoe called by the same name of the

'Haze in't velot, and that shee hath had noe other name for all
the said time that hee had bin master of her, and that shee was
called by the same name before hee became master of her, namely while
Jaques wolfers of Tervier (who was her master before this deponent
and had soe bin from her first building) was master of her, and
that this deponent first came aboard her (as master of her) at Middleborowe
and there tooke the care and charge of her first as master.

To the nineth hee saith that hee was at and came last from Middleborow
on or about the sixteenth of March last (new stile) at which time
hee saith that the interrogated Mr Bulstrat and Mr kelment were
there as alsoe Mr Goudin, and saith they are all dutchmen
by birth, and dwellers in Middleborowe, and have there dwelt above
tenn yeares last, being (as hee beleeveth) all natives of that towne, and saith
that the said Mr Bulstrat hath a sixteenth part in the said shipp, but
not any part in the lasing that this deponent knoweth of, and that
Mr kelment hath alsoe a sixteenth part and Mr Goudin a sixteenth
part in the said shipp, and that Mr Kelment hath three fatts of goods
as aforesaid inher, but whether Mr Goudin hath any part in any of
the goods or not hee knoweth not, And otherwise hee cannot depose
saving hee doth not knowe any person by the name of Mr Pappe.

To the tenth hee saith that there was not any other in the shipp (besides
this deponent) that was master or might pretend himselfe to be master
of the said shipp, or that might dispose of the shipp where hee pleased
and that the said shipp after shee had dischardged at Cadiz, was there
to seake a freight for what place shee could get it, and was not
before hand designed for any particular place.

To the eleaventh hee saith that the said shipp when shee came the
said voyage to haver de Grace had in her the said caske of pictures,
some tobaccoe, some cheeses and some pepper and a few other goods
all which shee carried from Middleborowe, and were belonging to this deponent
and company, and that her maine lading was ballast, the goods
shee carried thither being very inconsiderable, and noe freight was
to be paid for them. And itherwise hee cannot depose.