MRP: Geography

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Editorial history

29/05/12, CSG: Created page

Suggested links

See Commodities
See Ships
See Shipping terminology
See Style Sheet One
See Synthesis
See Transcription

See Admiralty court cases
See HCA 13/68

To do



Achean ("Achean on the coast of the Island of Sumatra" (HCA 13/73))
Allecante (" went from Ligorne to Allecant and there tooke in goods & went therewith to Lisbon" (HCA 13/73))


Barbadoes ("The Barbadoes" (HCA 13/73))
Bermudas ("were upon the said seizure taken by the said Captaine James and XXXX XXX (in their said man of warr) and carried to Bermudas"(HCA 13/73))
The Brazeele ("the sayd shipp at here goeing out had noe designe of goeing to Brazeele or any other parts of the West Indies" (HCA 13/73))


Calves ("y:e Islands fflowers and Calves, being two of the Westerene Islands" (HCA 13/73))
The Island of Chepalonia ("kept the sayd Hosyer and ?his Company for some tyme prizoners in chaynes and afterwards turned them on shoare in the Island of Chepalonia" (HCA 13/73))
Colestaires ("in the moneth of November last, as this depo:t was goeing to y:e
Waterside; neere Colestaires, hee sawe one John Tyler, & some others talking and discoursing in a Carpenters yard with one Mordecay Yonge" (HCA 13/73))


fflowers ("y:e Islands fflowers and Calves, being two of the Westerene Islands" (HCA 13/73))


Genoa (" her voyage from London to Genoa in the Streights and there discharged her outward ladeing" (HCA 13/73))


Havana ("goods for Havana" (HCA 13/73))
The Hope (" the sayd shipp about the latter end of the sayd moneth of January 1648 fell downe to the Hope" (HCA 13/73))


Leeward islands ("Nevis and S:t Christophers and other of the Leeward Islands" (HCA 13/73))


Mevis ("hee well remembreth that at Mevis this deponent & Robert Grove Cheife Mate of the Peace & William Tizard another mate of the sayd shipp & one Robert Chipp the Gunner of her were produced as witnesses before Captaine Morton Captaine Russell Captaine Smith & other officers under the Governour at Mevis upon Interrogatories given in before them against the sayd Thomas Grove the Master" (HCA 13/73))


Nevis ("Nevis and S:t Christophers and other of the Leeward Islands" (HCA 13/73))
Newfound Land ("the Pease being come out some few dayes before from Newfound Land the shipp the Pease & her company of espied XXXX shipps at Sea which they thought to be some of her consorts bound for the Barbados"(HCA 13/73))
New found land ("upon the departure of the shipp Pease from the New found land" (HCA 13/73))


Old Swan ("The Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete" (HCA 13/73))


Pendennis Castle ("ffalmouth and Pendennis Castle" (HCA 13/73))


The Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete


Satalia [in the Mediterranean]
S:t Christophers ("Nevis and S:t Christophers and other of the Leeward Islands" (HCA 13/73))
S:t ?Jones ("the ship then rideing in the harbour of S:t ?Jones which is the safest and best or at least as good and safe a harbour as any is in the Newfound land" (HCA 13/73))
S:t Lusea ("the sayd Thomas by his steering on his owne course contrary to the advise of his sayd Mates did misse the Island of Barbados and came to the Island of S:t Lusea in the moneth of November 1657" (HCA 13/73))
S:ta Domingo
The Straights ("a tradeing voyage from London to the Straights" (HCA 13/73))
Sumatra ("Achean on the coast of the Island of Sumatra" (HCA 13/73))


Thames Streete ("The Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete" (HCA 13/73)


West Indies ("the sayd shipp at here goeing out had noe designe of goeing to Brazeele or any other parts of the West Indies" (HCA 13/73))


Zante ("Zante currans" (HCA 13/73))