MRP: Letter from Margaret, Lady Oxinden, to Mrs Katherine Oxinden (her sister-in-law): Letter 4

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Letter from Margaret, Lady Oxinden, to Mrs Katherine Oxinden (her sister-in-law): Letter 4

(MS. 28,000, f. 93)
Printed as Letter CCXXXIV in D.K.Gardiner (1933:303-304)


Heer was with me this morning my Cosin Adam whos plas that we all thought so fit for him is com to nothing, by reson my Lord of Lester is not like to go to eyrlland, to whose soldrigray my Cosin shold have bin one of the secrettarys, so he is wholy to seeke of an Imployement now. M:rs broks that he is with is wery of his being ther, which I persave much discontents my Cosin Adam, and as he saith, meat and drink is not all that he must have, for that sut his master made him is bad now and more Clothes he is Shure he cannot have of him; my Lord of Lester's Secretary sayth if he can procure his frends to set him out with these, which he sayth 20 or thirty pound will do, he will plase him with a Captayne of his acquayntance, to be his Aynshant (Ancient). Now his desire is that you wold give your Consent to this imployment and get his brother to send him 20:ll, which he sayth he will make serve his turne, and that it might be with speed, for the plas canot be stayed a bove 14 days for him. I sent for my cosin barrow, who estemeth that and this plase may be had, and that if my Cosin Hary be not fited with present monies, he will lay it downe for him, a pon a condision that my cosin hary will prefix a time of paying it him a gayne, and that if my cosin have to returne, he will bethought that my cosin Adam shall pay it him a gayne, if my cosin dy than they say my Cosin Hary may pay himself. For my advise, trewly Sister I see not any cors he can take but he must run hasards, and the plase he now is in he canot continue in, nether is it any advancment for him if he cold. My brother partherich was now heer and teleth us my Cosin Richard's Cornell is now Sir William Ogell, who loveth my brother Parterich exceedingly and hath promised to befrend my cosin much, so as I doubt not if god send him life he will rays his fortunes very much. What with this pay, and monyes put into his hands for to rays his men, and pay what was dew to him in the north, which he neer had payd him, and that mony for pay he had for his jorny with the king to winsor, (it) hath set him out in a very comendable way, as I beleve most kaptaynes wer, and moneys in his pers to; he toke his jorny from this towne this day senight. I pray sister send me your speedy answer. So with my harty love to you and the like from my daughter Dallison, I comit you to God allmighti and rest

Your most afectionat sister



(1) Does the fact that Margaret Oxinden include good wishes from her daughter Dallison imply that ED is living with her and Sir James and HO of Deane in London? The letter appears to be sent from London, given conversations noted with her cousin Thomas Barrow regarding help for her nephew Adam Oxinden

Possible research

(1) What military unit did Richard Oxinden's commander have? Confirm that as implied Richard Oxinden was a captain in this unit