MRP: Richard Hill will (1660)

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Richard Hill will (1660)

PROB 11/297 Nabbs 1-51 Will of Richard Hill of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 14 March 1660

Editorial history

08/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

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RICHARD HILL HIS WILL: I GIVE to my wife two thousand pounds, land, which John Johnson holds by lease my said wife to have dureing her life, after her to my sonne Abraham Hill dureing his life then to my sonne Thomas Hill, then to my sonne Sa: Hill, the rest of three lives and one XXXX Thirtie yeres after he lives, To my wife all my plate pewter and brasse giveing to my children what shee thinks good. To my sonne Thomas two Thousand pounds, to my sonne Samuell one thousand pounds, to my wife all my Jewells plate brasse and housholdstuffe of all sorts and kinds at her dispose To my sonne Abraham Hill whome I ordayne my executor the rest of my estate, the benefitt of the lease of my house: my wife haveing it to herselfe to dispose of for her owne use: The Lord be praysed: In London the 26:th of ffebruarie 1658/59

Richard Hill

To: Elizabeth Allen tenne pounds to Alice XXXXX

ON THE FOURTEENTH daye of March in the yere of our Lord one Thousand six hundred fiftie Nyne (English stile) issued forth letters of Administracon with the will annexed To Thomas Hill the naturall and lawfull sonne and legatee named in the last will and testament of Richard Hill late of the parish of Dionis Backchurch London esquire deceased to administer all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and effecte of the said will for that Abraham Hill one other of the sonnes of the said deceased and sole and onely exec.r named in the said deceaseds will hath actually and Judicially renounced the probate and execucon thereof as by the act of court appears And for that Agnes Hill widdowe the relcite of the said deceased and one other legatee named in the said will is alsoe since departed this life, and did not any wise intermeddle with the said deceaseds estate he the said Thomas Hill being first legally sworne wel and truely to administer XXX



Possible primary sources

PROB 11/297 Nabbs 1-51 Will of Richard Hill of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 14 March 1660