MRP: St. Helena

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St. Helena

Editorial history

24/12/11, CSG: Created page

Suggested links

See Canaries
See Johanna
See Madeira


Sancta Helena, Linschoten, London, 1598

BOOK IMAGE Sancta Helena Linschoten 1598 London Bk1 P173 DL CSG 080112.PNG

Bird's eye view, Isle de S.te. Helene, 1719

'L'isle de S:te Helene', A. Manesson, (Frankfurt am Main, 1719)


Image credits & copyright information

(1) 'Sancta Helena', illustration, in John Huighen van Linschoten, His discourse of voyages into y:e East & West Indies (London, 1598), Bk 1, Ch. 94, p. 173

(2) 'L'isle de S:te Helene', Fig. LIII, Alain Manesson, XXXX (Frankfurt am Main, 1719), p. ?

Town profile


Thomas Kendall provisioning St. Helena, 1662/63

"[20th March 1662/63] I hope you are safe arrived, w:ch will be a great comfort to us all, we expect you will make Andrewes honest or force him to give us Just Satisfaction, y:e care of S:t Helena is cheifelyy left to mee, We have in o:r Gen:ll lre given order to have ptian Sheepe & Deare w:th Some Arrack & Rice to be sent thither, on each Shipp, I make it my earnest Request you ingage y:e comman:es to take in w:t Conveniently they can & if you can gett noe ptian Sheepe this yeare pray give order to ptia to have some sent to you against Next yeare & if possible some of those Sheepe whose wooll Curles & are used to line Gownes, likewise pray Send all Sorts of fruits Trees & drugs...

...Yo: r Affectionate ffreind
& Servant
Tho: Kendall"[1]

Nicholas Buckeridge & John Proude provisioning St. Helena, 1663/64

"[31st March 1663] I have a request to prefer to you from M:r Jn:e Proude & my selfe to rend yo:r favour in y:e ffurthering & furnishing of y:e Island S:t Hellena annually for provisions on y:e Hono: Compa:a Acco:t w:th a butt of Goa Azzarke & Such a proporton of wheate & lamp Oyle as you shall think fitting for them for XXXX [fire?] Etc:a they can suply themselves w:th by Exchange other grane for it out of y:e shipping but if you could supply y:m w:th A Slave or two that could teach them how to plant rice it would bee a very great kindnesse to them as happily you may send them plenty of such if you take a Malabar yo:r goodnesse will bee further manifested to y:m if you please to send them such India goods, for these may bee of very great concernemen:t to them in y:e future alsoo y:e seed of Bengon [?] Trey [?] & such rootes, plants, & hearbs, as India affords; alsoo some psian sheepe Eus & Rams of w:ch specie if you supply them plentifully you may y:e more freely furnish yo:r selfe w:th part of them when you come for England"[2]

Recapture of St. Helena from the Dutch, 1670s

Captain John Privett died commanding the Assistance, retaking St Helena from the Dutch ca. 1674.[3]

Suggested image sources

Suggested primary sources

Suggested secondary sources

  1. Jump up 20th March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Kendall to SirGO, London
  2. Jump up 31st March 1663, Letter from Nicholas Buckeridge to Sir GO, London
  3. Jump up CCM, 1674-76, p. 15