MRP: 3rd April 1663, Letter from Elizabeth Dalyson to Sir GO, London Frogmorton Street

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Dearest Brother

This will sallute you by M:r Jn:o Swift yo:r ould acquaintance & Brother to our worthy ffreind y:r Lady Smith who by mee presents her service to you, & hath engadged mee, to desire you, to


Owne her Brother, as her Brother & to doo him all y:e favour you cann (sic) shee bid mee tel you y:t Cap:t Millett wiil acquaint you with all things Concerneing him; Dear Brother I know you have soo great a Kindeness respect for his Lady y:t I need not use any other argument than yo:r owne inclinations, But yett give mee leave to Begg your favour and assistance, wherein you can bee serviceable to this Gentellman (sic) whoos Relations will hould themselves Oblidged to you & I will heartily thanke you y:t I am to all intents & purpose

Thy very affectionate sister y:t
truly loves thee
Eliz:a Dallyson

Ffrogmorten (sic) Streett Aprill 3:d 1663: