MRP: Clement Throgmorton will

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Clement Throgmorton will

PROB 11/120 Fenner 60-121 Will of Clement Throckmorton, Gentleman of Ansley, Warwickshire 14 November 1612

Editorial history

01/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context


This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the tenth daye of July the yeere of our Lord xxxxx his Incarnation one thousand six hundred and eleven I Clement Throckmorton of Ansley in the Countie of Warwick gent thoughe weake in bodye yet whole in minde and of perfect remembrance (thanks be to god therfore) do make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge viz:t

ffirst I commend my soule into the hands of god XXXXXX the mediation of Jesus Christ my Redeemer and my body to be buryed in any place convenyent wheresoever y:t shall please my frendes ITEM my Lease of ??ffillonghe parke which I hould of the right honorable Edward Nevill Lo: Bergaxxxmye I do give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my wife and Judah Throckmorton my eldest sonne & joynt ?heir And because residue of my moveable goods will in all likelihood be swallowed


Up in the payment of my debtes I do give them this Lease with á burthen of Legaceys & annexed herto andymposed thereon that is to saye after the expiracon of the Leases nowe in beyng and by me ?Demnifed My will is that the said parke of ffilongley be by the advice of S:r Clement Throckmorton ?sett (or left) and lett to the best ymproved valewe for the space of the first eight yeeres after and the one halfe of the XXXX yere he valewe (the Lordes rent beyng dischardged) I will y:t remayne ?till unto the saied Elizabeth my wife and Judah my eldest sonne to be equallie betwixt them devided and the other halfe for the terme of the said eight yeres I will to goe and be for and towards the raising of portions for my fower younger children to be paid unto them according to there severall Ages equallie two yeres valewe to a child, as namelie the portion arysing of the twoe first yeres valewe to Martha my eldest daughter, in the portion arising in the next two yeres to my sonne Job and the portion arising in the next yeeres of the said eight yeeres to Mary my second daughter and the portion arising in the two last yeres of the said eight yeres to Katherine my youngest daughter; And after the expiration of the said eight yeres and the full payment of the portions unto my fower forenamed younger children according to the true meaning of this my last will and testament my will and mynde is that the Remaynder of the yeres of my said Lease of ffilongley park what soener they shall happen to be shall remayne unto the saied Elizabeth my wife and Judah my sonne joyntlie

ITEM all the rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable chattells somme and sommes of money to the discharging of my debts I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my wife & Judah Throckmorton my eldest sonne whome I make my joynt true and lawfull executors, charging them both in the feare of god, the one by the dutie of a faithfull wife the other by the dutie of an obedient childe and uppon his fathers blessinge to pay all my lawfull debts which in a schedule I shall leave unto them here annexed unto this my will and testament And further to per forme every part of this my last will according to my trust resposed in them:

ITEM I entreate S.r Clement Throckmorton and my brother Willmore to be my executors: And yf there shall arise any difficulties or doubt betwene my executors I will yt be ordered and determyned by my saied overseers . In witnesse whereof I have subscribed my name and sette my seale in the presence of George Ludford Xase Sherard Thomas ?Lenoir & Michaell Clarke with others

Clement Throckmorton

MEMORANDUM that touching the wordes and sentences enterteyned this my will and namely the worde (that) in the seaventeenth lyne betwixt ?is and the: and the: sentence (by the Advise of S.r Clement Throckmorton in the same lyne betwixt (be) and (sett) and xxxx blotxx of superfluous wordes in the eighteenth lyne and the word yt in the twentith Lyne betwixt the words Will and remayne: and the Word xxxlings) in the fyve and twentith Lyne betwixt the words portion and of: and: and latter and betwixt the wordes arise and difficulty) were all enterlyned done and written by the saied Clement Throckmorton hymselfe before then sealing and delivery of this his last will made unto his executors (the parties above sayed beyng witness thereunto.

George Xxuddxxd Ralph Gerrard Thomas ?Lenrys Michaell Clarke

??Asteley: July Deceimo: 1611:o

Debts owing by me Clement Throckmorton gent
Unto sondrye persons as followeth

IMPRIMIS to S:r Clement Throckmoton due in October one hundred poundes
ITEM to M:rs Constance ?Edkyns of Newnam due in September twentie poundes
ITEM to Bartholomew ffarmer of Higham a Remaynd:r of his wyves portion due in October twentie eight pounds:
ITEM to one of Whitaxx XXXX whoe is gunnsmithe due in ffebruarye tenne pounds
ITEM: to M:rs Chilton (poss. Shilton) due in September Eight poundes
ITEM: to ffrances ?Orme of ?Adderston ten pounds


Or thereabouts
ITEM: to M:r Clarke of Coventrie for Clothe due presently fower poundes
ITEM: to M:r Wheate of Coventrie one pounde sixteene shillinges fower pence
ITEM: to John Ludford for his whole portion due when he shall come to the age of one and twentie yeres one hundred and twentie poundes
SUMMA: CCCjl xxjs iiijd

ITEM: to Elizabeth ?Xennell tenne poundes
ITEM: to Edward Pettie tenne poundes
ITEM: to George Swanne ten poundes six shillinges eight pence
ITEM: to ffrances Clarke seaven poundes
ITEM: to Anne ?Howet fortie shillinges
ITEM: to Henry Jenkyns Eight poundes seaven shillinges
ITEM: to Robert Power three poundes
ITEM: to M:r Perkins three poundes
ITEM: to Robert Mason fower poundes
ITEM: toThomas Hewett three poundes nyne shillinges
ITEM: to Philip Griffin for a quarter ?tablinge, three poundes
ITEM: to him for Malt three poundes twelve shillinges
ITEM: M:r Clarke xxx thirdie shillinges
ITEM: to Nicholas Talles fyve pounds (poss. syxe poundes)
ITEM: to my servant Thomas Cooke for Wages six poundes thirteene shillinges fower pence due at Michas next
ITEM: to Michaell Clarke weaver tenne poundes


IMPRIMIS M:r George Lindforde due allreadie ffiftie poundes/


