MRP: 4th December 1654, Letter from Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorne, to secretary Thurloe

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4th December 1654, Letter from Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorne, to secretary Thurloe

Source: Vol. xx.p. 249.[1]

Editorial history

20/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted letter

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Assorted letters of Charles Longland, Livorno (Various)


Honorable Sir,

I gav you an account last week of as much as could here be known of the proceedings of the French forces landed nere Naples. It siems the Spanish army, althoh so greate, would not assail the French, but lay intrencht about two myles from them, wherein they did wysly, becaus they had no great considence in the fidellity of theyr men, who, had they bin worsted, myght hav bin the los of the kingdom. The French had not a sufficient strength to mak any progres, having held Castel de Mare twelve dayes, with the les of 250 men only. On the 25th of the last month imbarkt al theyr soldiors, and ar now gon to sea, supposed with an intent to land in the pope's state, at a place call'd Terracina, nere the consynes of Naples; and by this meanes they may join with the horse com out of Piemont into the pope's state. They ar about 7000 foot; and if they can mak but 3000 horse, they wil very much perplex the Spanyard, who is very jealous of the Napollitans.

Two dayes since arryvd in this port fom Duch ships from Holland; who bring word, that general Blak's fleet of twenty-six fail was at an ankor in Gibraltar bay. They spak with som of the frigats, that wer turning to and fro in the Streits-mouth, who tel them, they wait for the French Newfoundland fleet; but the French here say, they ar al arryvd at Marseilles. The Duch report, they wait ther for the French fleete of men of war, that ar coming into the Streits. This is what is com to the knolledge of,

4. Dec. 1654. [N. S.]

Honorable Sir,
Your faithful servant,

Charles Longland.
  1. Thomas Birch (ed.), 'State Papers, 1654: November (3 of 3)', A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, volume 2: 1654 (1742), pp. 734-744. URL: Date accessed: 20 December 2011