MRP: Elizabeth Dallison letters alphabet

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Elizabeth Dallison letters alphabet

This alphabet lists all named individuals in letters written by Elizabeth Dallison, 1663-1665/6

The letters are as follows:
25th September 1662, Letter from Elizabeth Dalyson to Sir GO
March 1662/63, Letter from Elizabeth Dalyson to Sir GO
1st April 1663, Letter from Elizabeth Dalyson to Sir GO

The key is:
Fam = Family
Fri = Friend
A = Acquaintance
B = Business
L = Legal
? = Unclear

Bretton, Thomas (B)
Bret(t)on, Robert (nephew of Thomas Bretton) (L)
Bridgman, Sir Orlando (L)
Brough, Dr. (Dean of Worcester) (?)
Brough, Son of Dr. (?)
Buckworth, John (B)
Couze, Peter (ship's captain) (B)
Dallison, Charles (son of Maximilian Dallison)
Dallison, Maximilian (son of Elizabeth Dallison)
Facke ("Honest ffacke")
Fountain, XXXX, Serjeant-at-law (L)
Gibbons, Mr. (L)
Godfrey, XXXX (B)
Goodier, Mr. (B)
Goodier, Wife of Mr. (?)
Holsworthy, Mathew (Sir) (B)
Love, William (B)
Master, James (Fam)
Master, Streynsham (Fam)
Micoe, Samuel (B)
Millett, Captain (B)
Noel, Martin (Sir) (B)
Nokes, Mrs (B,L)
Oxenden, Xhristopher (Kitt) (Fam, B)
Smyth, Henry ("my son Smyth") (Fam)
Oxenden, margaret (Lady) (Our dear mother) (Fam)
Papillon, Thomas (B)
Pate, Mr. (Edward)
Pearce, Edward (B)
Pearle, Thomas (B)
Pus(e)y, Mr. (cooper of Royal Merchant) (B)
The Register (Registrar) (L)
Smith, Sir George (Fri; B)
Tite, XXXX (B)